Ahmad Nizar Taher Okal From Jordan Achieves Diamond Rank With Success Factory – Dagcoin

Ahmad Nizar Taher Okal From Jordan Achieves Diamond Rank With Success Factory - Dagcoin

One of the most active and productive branches of the Success Factory company is the Middle East region. The Eagles team, which is also part of the international team Success4All, founded and led by Igor E. Alberts and Andreea Cimbala, has as their mission to spread the word about the company.

Ahmad Nizar Taher Okal is starring today one those family stories. Ahmad joined Success Factory by the invitation of his mother, currently Blue Diamond Ayda Okal. He admits that he must be one of the lucky beginners who not only find a great mentor to help them, but also receive full support from their family.

Ahmad might be called a beginner in the network marketing industry with his only two years of experience in the field. But his results are noteworthy, as after only 8 months in Success Factory, he has already achieved the rank of Diamond.

“Before network marketing, I was working as a senior accountant in a firm. As if usually happens on the employee positions, I didn’t have the freedom of time, let alone financial freedom.


And financial freedom is very important, not only because of the money, but because of the feeling of accomplishment, which you hardly can get being just an employee.

Network marketing became my lifestyle, which goes to say that it’s not just a job, it’s an activity that is present in all spheres of your life. It’s basically everything I do in my life, and I enjoy it.”

Ahmad admits that not only his mother motivated him to join Success Factory, but also because he saw how the company was changing the lives of people around the world.

“I would say that working with Success Factory was not easy, as you really have to make an effort, but it is simple, because here, you work side by side with great professionals of the industry with a lot of experience who help you develop personally and professionally.


I am very grateful to all of them, to my mother Ayda Okal, my uplines and mentors Ahmad Rabaia and Dr. Adam, and, of course, to our fantastic leaders Igor Alberts and Andreea Cimbala.

In Success Factory, I experienced things that I had never experienced before. My team now has members in over 20 countries. I learned how important it is to put other people’s need ahead of yours. And how satisfactory it is to see them succeed. I know that the best networkers do exactly that.

And, for the last, I think that the best way to succeed is to insist on success.

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