Isaac Onaolapo Adeyemo From Nigeria Achieves Diamond Rank At OmegaPro

OmegaPro is pleased to announce that Isaac Onaolapo Adeyemo, from Nigeria, has earned the rank of Diamond with the company. Touching on his achievement, Mr. Adeyemo shares with business for home some of his story on the incredible achievement.
“I joined OmegaPro the last week of January, 2020. It was an easy decision for me, upon watching the presentation and learning of the prior achievements of the co-founders.
I knew OmegaPro was created for monumental success. The integrity of the founders building upon the largest financial market in the world. They truly have impacted the lives of countless people globally, including my family and me.
Isaac touchies on some of the methods of achieving his success:
Under the mentorship of many leaders, including consistent, well organized master classes three times a week allowed us to really fine tune the best way for creating an environment to help people reach their goals.
Truly, the most difficult process was building real trust between the members and the company, due to many people suffering such devastating disappointments in the past with other adventures of various sorts in the direct sales industry. Fortunately, with consistency from the company and constant communication and openness, we have built that trust and it’s created an invaluable bond with us. A real family.
Some pointers and advice for those on a similar journey, from Isaac Adeyemo:
“My advice for those interested in this business, would be to learn about the company so you can fully believe and understand their mission. Be coachable, teachable and have a desire to continue learning.
Do the extra things that you know will help your life in general, read the books, keep motivated and know your why.
Keep going no matter what, knowing it will be worth the push, worth the late nights, the traveling and all that is involved with going for Diamond. I believe in you!”
About Omega Pro
The mission of OmegaPro is to deliver a secure world class trading experience to all clients – both retail and institutional. We continually invest in new technologies and people, to provide our clients with a diverse range of trading products and exceptional trading outputs.
Moreover, we put a major emphasis on account security – we use the most advanced tools and encryption protocols and provide plentiful market liquidity to ensure your capital. Thanks to the vast market volume that OmegaPro handles and our strict risk policies, we can ensure that your account with us is secure, while connecting you to the fast paced global markets. For more information please visit: