
Review score
★★★★★ (5 out of 5 stars based on 54 reviews)
Country US United States
Est. Revenue 2018$0.00
Est. Revenue 2019$0.00
Est. Revenue 2020$6.00
Est. Revenue 2021$7.00
Est. Revenue 2022$7.00
Est. Revenue 2023$7.00
Est. per year$2.45 million
Est. per month$204,167
Est. per week$47,115
Est. per day$6,712.33
Est. per hour$279.68
Est. per minute$4.66
Est. per second$0.08
Est. since viewing this page$0.08
Business Grade

Business For Home recommends the opportunity. There is high certainty that the net benefit is moderate or there is moderate certainty that the net benefit is moderate to substantial for an distributor.

About the company

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Ascira Rating by Business For Home

Direct Selling professionals have rated this company based on their experience as a user of the reviewed products and opportunity. The reviews of the products and opportunity usually comments on how well the company measures up to expectations based on the specifications provided by company. Observations are factual as well as subjective in nature. The reviews comment on service experienced, and dependability or trustworthiness of the distributor.

★★★★★ (5 out of 5 stars based on 54 reviews)
Stuart Bang 2023-12-05 20:56:07

Looks like the truth is coming out about this company and its CEO. If you can read the reviews before me, they speak the truth to what is happening. A company that lies and is trying to scam everyone with promises of "big" things. These "big" things are just to keep the current members in and believe something will happen but nothing will. Acquiring already dying business partnerships of other scamming companies. All you need to do is look at the CEO and who he has worked with previously, (Futurenet).

Soon all will be revealed and this company will sink and be no more and the people who believed in it will have no money and their investments gone.

The CEO will run away and take whatever he can get and will never be heard from again.

Ascira, a company full of scammers.

John Andrew 2023-11-28 03:20:35

Only lies 😔 Only vision… CEO said that social media will be ready in 2021 and nothing happened. John Sachtouras promise to the community that we will pay for founder one time and for only 1000 people and then make more founder packages. After that deleted the older ones if they are refused to pay again. Now he is trying to take money in America only for Latin people. All the ambassadors the diamonds and the director leave the project. Only CEO is there and he still promises the same things. He took money from Europe and now he's doing the same in USA. It's a Big scam. Be careful.

Dueck Geem 2023-11-24 19:47:22

Please be careful of this company. They are scammers and your typical ponzi/pyramid scheme.
They promise your money back plus more if you "invest". This is a lie, they do not tell you how to earn the money back, only that you will make money by being first to sign up or "be on the top". This is a pyramid scheme tactic. Do not fall for it! This website also protects scammers and is supportive of it! The CEO of Ascira is a criminal and will lie and take advantage of everyone.


Günter Pozewaunig 2023-08-09 10:00:34

Ascira will weltweit über eine Milliarde Menschen verbinden, den Schatz des Wissens mit ihnen teilen, und dadurch die Möglichkeit schaffen persönliche und finanzielle Freiheit zu erreichen.
Egal für welches Ziel, denn für die meisten Ziele benötigt man auch finanzielle Mittel.
Sei es für sich selbst, für die Familie, für die Gemeinschaft, oder auch für die Umwelt.
Ascira will die Digitale- Virtuelle- und Physische Welt miteinander verbinden.
Durch eine Vielzahl von digitalen Produkten, im Bereich von Wissen, Gesundheit, Ernährung Fitness und Sport, Reisen, sich mit Menschen zu verbinden, und E-Commerce
Alles was dem Menschen dienlich sein kann.
Das ist die genialste Idee, von der ich in meinem ganzen Leben, (mittlerweile 61Jahre), gehört habe.

Deborah Romero 2022-10-31 21:30:06

Es Una Excelente Empresa pensada para la Gente Realmente. No conozco una Empresa pensando más en Ayudar ala gente. Gracias a Dios por ponerle ese Deseo de Ver,un poco más por las persona. Gracias al Cio esperamos en Dios q no cambie el deseo de seguir ayudando ala gente aunq aún cuando crea q ya no necesita de ellos. Creo en Dios q le seguirá guiando con el gran y buen deseo de ayudar siempre al prójimo xq ese es el Mayor placer q podemos sentir como seres humanos
Recomendable al 1.000%
Dios Bendiga al Dr. John Sachtouras

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