InCruises (inGroup)

Review score
★★★★★ (5 out of 5 stars based on 66 reviews)
Country US United States
Est. Revenue 2018$95.00
Est. Revenue 2019$100.00
Est. Revenue 2020$107.00
Est. Revenue 2021$109.00
Est. Revenue 2022$75.00
Est. Revenue 2023$205.00
Est. per year$71.75 million
Est. per month$5.98 million
Est. per week$1.38 million
Est. per day$196,575
Est. per hour$8,190.64
Est. per minute$136.51
Est. per second$2.28
Est. since viewing this page$2.28

Top Earners (3)

Business Grade

Business For Home recommends the opportunity. There is high certainty that the net benefit is moderate or there is moderate certainty that the net benefit is moderate to substantial for an distributor.


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InCruises (inGroup) Rating by Business For Home

Direct Selling professionals have rated this company based on their experience as a user of the reviewed products and opportunity. The reviews of the products and opportunity usually comments on how well the company measures up to expectations based on the specifications provided by company. Observations are factual as well as subjective in nature. The reviews comment on service experienced, and dependability or trustworthiness of the distributor.

★★★★★ (5 out of 5 stars based on 66 reviews)
Lucyna 2024-03-01 15:40:39

Napisałam do inCruises o zwrot wpłaconych pieniędzy. Odpisano mi, że to nie jest bank gdzie można wpłacać i wypłacać pieniądze. Mieszkam w Polsce gdzie InCruises nie może legalnie działać bo zabronił tego nasz UOKiK. Wpłaciłam 500$ i nie mogę ich odzyskać. Wszyscy tu piszą jaka to wspaniała firma a pieniędzy nie chce oddać. Kilku moich znajomych jest w takiej samej sytuacji. Wprowadzono nas w błąd podczas zapisywania do firmy. Zapisano nas jako obywateli USA. Po weryfikacji zawieszono nasze członkostwo i zostawieni zostaliśmy na lodzie. Nasi sponsorzy którzy zapisali nas do inCruises uważają, że to nie jest ich problem.

Jeff 2024-01-17 22:19:10

I joined this company with a dream about 3 years ago. Great company great comp plan and high value for their customers. Then they chnage dteh whole comp plan reversing teh gretaness they once had. Earlier customers could use a rising percentage scale the first 5 years of thier account. In otehr words the 1st year a customer could use 60%, 2nd year 70@, 3rd year 80% 4th year 90% and 5th year and beyond 100% of their account balance toward any of tehir cruises available. Now a customer or partner can use 100% of their account balance only up to 50% of teh price of chosen cruise. Way less value for the customer. Once they could recive a FREE cruise now only achive a savings of 50% at the most. Affiliates are also paid way less and its harder to earn the big bucks. The company is a shell of what it used to be. Like so mnay other companys, teh owner listens to the wrong folks an dmakes unnecessary chnages an dthey go from great to just another company out there. A person can recieve way better discounts elsewhere.

Yuliia Mazur 2023-06-03 08:48:47

Excellent company, gives you the opportunity to travel and earn. The best in the world for travel and recreation. My family and I are very glad that I was a member of the club and a member of the In Cruisers team. All the most vivid travel impressions in life. And traveling on a liner is the brightest, there is a lot of energy from the ocean and seas that you constantly absorb while on such trips.

It is very important that you can save on travel for travelers and earn partners !!!
Recommended inCruises the company to next Generation. This company is a blessing! Thank you InCruises, thank you InGroup.

Isaac Maya 2022-12-17 18:31:28

🇪🇸 InCruises ha sido el mejor regalo que me ha llegado a la vida, me he permitido con esta empresa no sólo soñar, sino hacer realidad mis sueños, vivir experiencias únicas con mi mamá, recorriendo lugares del mundo que estaban sólo en mis pensamientos, he podido generar ganancias y ayudar a otras personas a volver a soñar. Esta empresa es una bendición! Gracias InCruises, gracias InGroup

🇬🇧 InCruises has been the best gift that has come to my life, with this company I have allowed myself not only to dream, but to make my dreams come true, live unique experiences with my mother, visiting places in the world that were only in my thoughts, I have been able to generate profits and help other people to dream again. This company is a blessing! Thank you InCruises, thank you InGroup

John William 2022-03-14 20:25:20

Company was a great one. The had an awesome compensation plan and a product that offered great value to its members.The company recently implemented a so called upgrade called 2.0. This is no where close to an upgrade. it is in fact a downgrade. The compensation plan for affiliates was I guess somewhat of an upgrade however the products value with these new changes are of much less value or benefit to a member. What once was a great membership package with the opportunity to take a cruise zero money out of pocket or even for essentially FREE is now an out of pocket cost nightmare with no pathway to a FREE cruise. There is no incentive to become a member only with this company. What they have done is forced people to become partner/members if they want any chance for a no out of pocket FREE cruise. Incruises is a joke today and its ashame. They could have been a superpower in the industry and all they needed to do was add the resorts and hotel options and tweak what they had. InCruises is just another travel company ripping off its members so they can make their millions.

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