Nu Skin

Review score
★★★★★ (5 out of 5 stars based on 6 reviews)
Country US United States
Est. Revenue 2018$2,680.00
Est. Revenue 2019$2,420.00
Est. Revenue 2020$2,581.00
Est. Revenue 2021$2,695.00
Est. Revenue 2022$2,230.00
Est. Revenue 2023$1,970.00
Est. per year$788.00 million
Est. per month$65.67 million
Est. per week$15.15 million
Est. per day$2.16 million
Est. per hour$89,954
Est. per minute$1,499.24
Est. per second$24.99
Est. since viewing this page$24.99

Top Earners (75)

Business Grade

Business For Home recommends selectively offering based on professional judgment. There is at least moderate certainty that the net benefit is small for a distributor.

About the company

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Nu Skin Rating by Business For Home

Direct Selling professionals have rated this company based on their experience as a user of the reviewed products and opportunity. The reviews of the products and opportunity usually comments on how well the company measures up to expectations based on the specifications provided by company. Observations are factual as well as subjective in nature. The reviews comment on service experienced, and dependability or trustworthiness of the distributor.

★★★★★ (5 out of 5 stars based on 6 reviews)
DORIN IULIAN LACATUSU 2022-08-20 17:23:52

I’m in this business for over 3 years now and I’m really proud of my DECISION.
The company,products,stuff and everything what this company have to offer is just beyond..
I love Nu Skin and I will die with them
I just can’t describe ,from my point of view is just awesome

Love it ,love it ,love it ,love it…


Proud ,proud,proud,proud..

Game changer ,game.changer ,game changer..

You just have to try it and to understand why is so different..

Flexibility,professionalism,pure quality,extra income /passive ,awesome community,we grow so quick because we don’t run after the money ,but we run after helping people to succeed and we work as a team ,helping each other for free anytime we need..

All this ,is just a fraction from what I feel about Nu Skin

Good luck to everyone in any of your choices

Love you all 😍🥰♥️♥️♥️♥️

Jacqueline Kleips 2020-12-12 11:36:46

Excellent products, quality company. Ive used at least 30 plus products for the last ten years. High quality, high integrity, innovative company. Trustworthy. Abundant. Committed to its distributors. Award winning and with the highest paying in the industry. Together distributors have donated over 700 million meals through Nourish The Children providing VitaMeal, a nutritionally dense meal, not only feeds but saves a starving child, containing 25 nutrients and minerals developed by Nu Skin scientists. I love their purely sourced, premium and effective anti-aging solutions. Excellent community of like minded people. From the company to the distributors. Grateful to be a part of a strong, stable and sustainable company.

Berito Grande 2020-12-07 18:17:16

Esta es una empresa que realmente busca dar a ganar a sus distribuidores.
Los productos son realmente buenos, obtienes resultados instantáneos, tienen garantía y sus comisiones son muy buenas.
Aquí estoy ganando mucho más que en otros lados y no hay riesgo de pérdida, pues, no tienes que comprar una inscripción para comenzar tu negocio y te olvidas del sistema antiguo al que le llaman venta. No tienes que repartir producto, no tienes que llevar catálogos a domicilio, no tienes que estar cobrando.
Tenemos un alcance a más de 50 países
Trabajas cuando y donde quieres.

Yadi 2020-12-07 05:20:19

La mejor empresa para el mercadeo en red, en un producto con garantía de satisfacción, una empresa que da garantia de sus productos no es cualquier empresa. El plan de compensación es el mejor que he conocido. Las condiciones para ingresar es el mejor, se adapta a las posibilidades de las afiliados. Es una empresa que apoya mucho a los afiliados, es realmente una cultura de apoyo, una plataforma de oportunidades que representa un proyecto de vida, cambia vidas, cumples sueños. Son productos con los que notas el cambios desde la primera vez de uso. Cada día hay más personas disfrutando no sólo de los benéficios de los productos, si no del modelo de negocio.

Jakob Hagelskjaer 2020-07-11 11:10:27

I was at the opening event, the launch of Nu Skin in Denmark 20 years ago. I shortly after moved to south of europe, and lived there for many years. So I havent been watching Nu skin until now. I know the products are good, but I dont know much about the marketing tools and strategy.
I personally prefer to work online, having tools to do all the hard work. I recently found a reliable company, who has been on the market for years, which is running the business online.
I am sure that it is possible to work online with NuSkin too.

Jakob Hagelskjaer

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