Style Dots LLC

Review score
★★ (2 out of 5 stars based on 4 reviews)
Country US United States
Est. Revenue 2018$10.00
Est. Revenue 2019$10.00
Est. Revenue 2020$10.00
Est. Revenue 2021$10.00
Est. Revenue 2022$10.00
Est. Revenue 2023$10.00
Est. per year$3.50 million
Est. per month$291,667
Est. per week$67,308
Est. per day$9,589.04
Est. per hour$399.54
Est. per minute$6.66
Est. per second$0.11
Est. since viewing this page$0.11
Business Grade

Business For Home recommends selectively offering based on professional judgment. There is at least moderate certainty that the net benefit is small for a distributor.


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Style Dots LLC Rating by Business For Home

Direct Selling professionals have rated this company based on their experience as a user of the reviewed products and opportunity. The reviews of the products and opportunity usually comments on how well the company measures up to expectations based on the specifications provided by company. Observations are factual as well as subjective in nature. The reviews comment on service experienced, and dependability or trustworthiness of the distributor.

★★ (2 out of 5 stars based on 4 reviews)
Susan Jamison 2023-11-10 18:48:39

I had a luncheon scheduled with 25 other ladies and a Style Dots representative, Carol Stephenson. She cancelled with only a days notice and now I have 25 women looking for jewelry and no one to show. Does anyone know anyone else who works for Style Dots whom might be able to help me? We even have a few ladies traveling in from out of town. I love the product, the items I own have been of high quality and I get many compliments on them. The customer service is not great and they do not make things right. If anyone sells Style Dots please reach out to me. Thank you.

Joan Meese 2022-07-13 19:33:47

I signed on as an Independent Boutique Partner shortly after they offered the opportunity, and back in those days, I actually was on a waiting list to receive my Showcase of products. Admittedly, I did very well with my business, growing quite a team under me, and I progressed in rank quickly. However, the 'culture' of the company was overwhelmingly laced with that weird type of religion which claims to care about everyone, but yet they are not very accepting of anyone who may be different or not the stereotypical white married woman with 2.5 kids. The reason I chose to depart from Style Dots though was a combination of what I viewed as business practices that preyed on women (every few months, there is a new catalog, and there are a significant number of discontinued products and new products, and all Boutique Partners are encouraged to buy lots of new product to show potential clients). Also, the quality of the products is just horrible. So many items would arrive damaged, or bracelets wouldn't clasp, just examples. Yes, exchanges could be made, but who has time for that with the prices of the items?

Pen Law 2018-08-23 20:24:19

Style Dots is a Company whose objective is to simplify an individuals amount of stagnant boring jewelry by providing an interchangeable alternative. This is comprised of a vast array of Foundation pieces and Dots allowing customers to change their look in a ‘Snap.’ This is a snap Jewelry & accessory company. They claim their items are affordable and on trend. Items offered range in price from $8.95 to $60+. Items are backed by a 1 year warranty against defects & advertised as ‘tarnish resistant.’ They offer two options to join: 1-Style Partner($99) 2-Boutique Partner($199). Opportunity for advancement is available as Managers, Directors, & Executives. Company is 5 years old-Member numbers are low.
Product quality, however is less than sub-par with multiple issues over numerous occasions on many of the same pieces. Silver, Gold, & Rose Gold plating comes off easily with normal wear. Crystals fall out, Dots do not fit into foundations, Leather falls apart. The Co-Founders are accessible but reluctant to hear any negative feedback, and will often times not respond especially to their Boutique Partners. Quality of product, lack of Ease for returns, & price point are over all disappointing. Beware.

Steven Barczyk 2018-05-21 21:33:51

Products cater to women who want to have a variety of jewelry without the clutter of having individual pieces. As a business, it is a MLM business. It compensates its partners accordingly. As it is still a relatively small company, there have been issues with payments periodically of the partners which has resulted in a massive number of business partners quitting the company. Management has stated they are committed to fixing the problem, but it seems this has been too little, too late for dozens of partners. Additionally, discount sellers through websites such as and to some extent are selling similar or slightly lesser quality items for up to 90% less than Style Dots pricing. This is putting pressure on the company and ultimately the boutique partners performance.

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