Business For Home

Ina Urbonaviciute

Recommended Distributor

Since Nov, 2024

Business For Home defines a leader and a professional networker in Direct Sales as follows:

"A leader and professional networker is the one who has the ability to guide and at the same time is able to motivate team members, inspire respect and confidence and explain the power of the compensation plan".

But they should also have:

  • Effective communication: They must transmit the needed information suitably. It’s fundamental for leading.
  • Vision: A leader needs to have a vision, which means not only thinking in a short term, but trying to see a bigger picture.
  • Balance: Give importance to team members’ opinions.
  • Art of Feedback: In order to produce good feedback it’s important to keep it impartial and objective. Criticism must bring solutions and improvement.
★★★★★ (5 out of 5 stars based on 2 reviews)
Brigita 2024-11-04 01:00:26

Ina yra charizmatiška lyderė tiesioginiuose pardavimuose, kuri sugeba suderinti profesionalumą, aiškią viziją ir puikų humoro jausmą. Ji aiškiai perteikia svarbiausią informaciją ir užtikrina, kad kiekvienas komandos narys jaustųsi įvertintas ir išgirstas. Ina geba įkvėpti ir motyvuoti komandą, suteikdama jai pasitikėjimo ir kurdama aplinką, kurioje visi drąsiai dalijasi savo idėjomis. Jos atsiliepimai ir patarimai visada konstruktyvūs ir skatinantys augti, todėl grįžtamasis ryšys iš jos pusės padeda tobulėti. Ina siekia ne tik trumpalaikių tikslų, bet ir ilgalaikės sėkmės, o jos humoro jausmas suteikia darbui lengvumo ir pozityvumo. Tai lyderė, kurią komanda mielai seka ir ja pasitiki..

Ieva Sig 2024-11-04 00:57:00

Ina is a vibrant leader in direct sales, celebrated for her ability to inspire, motivate, and guide her team with vision and a great sense of humor. Her communication skills ensure that crucial information is shared clearly, empowering her team to feel both informed and genuinely valued. With a long-term perspective, Ina focuses on sustainable success and embraces her team’s insights, creating a balanced and collaborative atmosphere. Her feedback is constructive and solution-oriented, aiming to drive improvement while keeping the energy positive. This unique combination of professionalism, warmth, and humor makes Ina a leader people are not only eager to follow but truly enjoy working with..

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