Business For Home

Katarina Zibritovska

Recommended Distributor

Since Nov, 2023


Business For Home defines a leader and a professional networker in Direct Sales as follows:

"A leader and professional networker is the one who has the ability to guide and at the same time is able to motivate team members, inspire respect and confidence and explain the power of the compensation plan".

But they should also have:

  • Effective communication: They must transmit the needed information suitably. It’s fundamental for leading.
  • Vision: A leader needs to have a vision, which means not only thinking in a short term, but trying to see a bigger picture.
  • Balance: Give importance to team members’ opinions.
  • Art of Feedback: In order to produce good feedback it’s important to keep it impartial and objective. Criticism must bring solutions and improvement.
★★★★★ (5 out of 5 stars based on 1 review)
Katarina Žibritovská 2023-11-11 20:50:07

Naša Katka Žibritovská je skvelá líderka, ktorá nás vedie dopredu tou správnou cestou. Je to úžasný človek , ktorý má mimoriadne schopnosti a skúsenosti. Je nesmierne charizmatická, empatická a chápavá. Odovzdáva nám informácie , skúsenosti a znalosti od ktorých sa odrážame. Máme sa od nej čo učiť. Ja osobne nasávam od nej všetky informácie a rady , ktoré sa snažím posúvať do praxe.
Som vďačná za to , že priniesla Be na Slovensko a Čiech a že to tu rozbehla v takej miere. Patrí jej veľká vďaka, obdiv za to čo robí

Adriana Kázsmérová

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