Review by Angie Burns on SeneGence
I can not even really put into words the difference this company has made in my life. Can you imagine working for a company that has products that really work, that people actually want? Then, can you imagine having a compensation plan written by a woman who worked over a decade as a distributor herself?
It’s maximum profitability for those willing to work the business. The only limit in this company is yourself. Joni has given us every opportunity to live life in love and abundance, then work for it.
Over the past year and a half, the growth the company has experienced has been CRAZY! It has had its up and downs – there was a period of time where there were stock issues but those days are over because the executive staff has built for the future growth. I can not express how excited I am to be a part of a company with so much HEART and that is experiencing MOMENTUM!
Love being a SeneGence Distributor