Review by Beth Hartman on Life Leadership
My personal journey with Life Leadership began in 2011, when it was originally launched. I have found the financial, personal and professional development materials to be top rated! Throughout my careers, I have been involved in employee development and human resources. As I look back, I could have done so much more to help my employees if I had been involved in my own personal development. Since joining Life Leadership, my husband and I have found Financial Freedom, by eliminating debt, increasing our entrepreneurial drive and understanding the economic shifts. I love to think about Life Leadership as a mansion with many, many rooms. The programs are as diverse as people are. Learning skills for better communications, dealing with family issues and conflict resolution are just a few of the topics that I now deal with in clarity and truth. The mansion main door and flagship product is The Financial Fitness Program. I now coordinate classes dealing with financial struggles and the participants have been astounded by their progress. Making a difference in our world has always been a fulfilling dream. Our goal is to reach 1 Million families with Christian based truth. We are well on our way.