Review by Michelle Kearse-Brannan on Paparazzi Accessories
Throughout the last 30 years I have tried several businesses and this one by far has the best startup cost and the best product. The truth is that the jewelry sells itself because it is affordable. As a business owner we are not charged any mandatory monthly fees. there is no monthly fees. Paparazzi gives us tools to succeed. The incentives help motivate us to do what we already do and that is to show the jewelry. Mysty is a great CEO and I can see that she wants to ensure we all have the tools and resources to succeed. She and the other three founders are involved and connected to what we are doing. When they say they watch our Facebook, Youtube or Instagram lives jewelry shows, I believe them. They make a point of knowing us. I am building my team by providing support and encouragement. My sales are based on having a product that is good quality and at a price point that attracts customers from all demographics. #thejazzeejewelrylady