Review by Šárka Ksandrová on Essens
I have been with the company since the very beginning, and since then, Essens has become a lifestyle in the Czech Republic and Slovakia and spreads throughout Europe and Russia, where it is received with great enthusiasm, it influences our lifestyle and is loved. Emotions are the heart of the Essens company and the driving engine. We are proud of the company and we have why. The company is unique to everyone, it provides its members with a good background, a fantastic marketing plan and its members is a support, motivates to be better and better, does not compare with anyone, it is aimed at creating new trends, clinging to every detail and targeted builds a globally successful brand. We are inspired to live Essens, to make Essens, to feel Essens and to be Essens. Last year we celebrated six years of existence and we have new goals and new achievements ahead of us.