Review by Tony Johnstone on Jeunesse
Hi Ted Nuyten,
Firstly a big thanks for the work you do and the value you add to the industry of network marketing. Business for home is an invaluable resource for those that have an interest in getting involved in the industry as well as network marketing professionals around the world.
Me and my wife Karyn are so delighted to be involved in this industry and proud business leaders with Jeunesse Global. We have been involved in the business of network marketing since January 2010 and launched with Jeunesse in October 2015.
There are many great companies in the industry but after watching what Jeunesse was doing over a period of 4 years we knew it was the right thing for us to get involved in this amazing company.
Key for us was:
(1) The Fantastic Youth Enhancement System of products.
(2) Amazing growth in annual sales and becoming the fastest billion $ company in the industry.
(3) The global platform with state of the art web based and award winning app based technology.
(4) Impeccable leadership from the top down, locally and internationally.
(5) Superb company events and recognition.
(6) A company that loves Giving back via the charity Jeunesse Kids.
(7) The icing on the cake. 6 amazing ways to earn an income.