Business For Home

Phil Steinberg

Recommended Distributor

Since Mar, 2024

Business For Home defines a leader and a professional networker in Direct Sales as follows:

"A leader and professional networker is the one who has the ability to guide and at the same time is able to motivate team members, inspire respect and confidence and explain the power of the compensation plan".

But they should also have:

  • Effective communication: They must transmit the needed information suitably. It’s fundamental for leading.
  • Vision: A leader needs to have a vision, which means not only thinking in a short term, but trying to see a bigger picture.
  • Balance: Give importance to team members’ opinions.
  • Art of Feedback: In order to produce good feedback it’s important to keep it impartial and objective. Criticism must bring solutions and improvement.
★★★★★ (5 out of 5 stars based on 11 reviews)
Valerio Bertolo 2024-01-18 02:59:49

Conosco Phil da molti anni, la mia ammirazione e cresciuta nel tempo.
Mi colpisce la sua disponibilità, la sua chiarezza espositiva durante il webinar. Riesce a mettere sempre ognuno a proprio agio, riducendo le distanze e facilitando il dialogo.
Ha un approccio innovativo nel lavoro, sempre alla ricerca di strumenti e metodi nuovi per migliorarsi e per aiutare coloro che a lui si affidano.
Un esempio e un amico.
Il suo livello di empatia è molto alto e la sua capacità di comprendere e interpretare le problematiche che gli vengono sottoposte gli permette di risolvere questioni difficili e complesse.
I suoi interventi durante i meeting arrivano sempre diretti al cuore e alla mente di chi lo ascolta.
La sua formazione e la sua preparazione costituiscono un bagaglio importante che lui non esita a mettere a disposizione di chi voglia ascoltarlo.
Ringrazio di averlo incontrato.

Victoria Steinberg 2024-01-16 18:20:04

Phil’s integrity, solution-focused mind and 40+ years experience and passion for relationship marketing make of him one of the legends in the field and one of the best mentors you can choose to guide and support you towards your success and accomplishment. His 15+ years engagement with Lifewave tells more than any word about his growing leadership, reliability, values and dedication. Always there, ready to help, positive and uplifting, evolving with the market and the world, he walks his talk no matter what. If there is someone who can teach you to succeed in relationship marketing from scratch providing a constant support and delivering on promisses then Phil is definitely that one person. Thank you for the opportunity to grow by your side.

Sofia Gameiro 2024-01-16 14:44:35

II recently had the chance to work with Phil Steinberg and was deeply impressed by his expertise and leadership in network marketing. His commitment to LifeWave is evident in his inspiring approach and his exceptional ability to motivate others.

Phil is not just a mentor, he is a true innovator in the field. His advice has been crucial in my professional development, providing me with the tools necessary to confidently and efficiently face challenges.

Phil’s dedication to the personal and professional development of his team is remarkable, making him a pillar in the network marketing community.

His dedication and expertise are visible in every aspect of his work with LifeWave. Phil’s approach goes beyond business success, he is committed to creating a community of motivated and empowered individuals.

He has a unique ability to inspire and lead, making complex concepts accessible and exciting. His guidance exceeds professional advice, offering truly transformative personal growth opportunities.

Phil’s contribution to the network marketing community is more than commendable; it is a standard of excellence. His genuine care for his team’s success and well-being is a rare quality that distinguishes him as a leader and mentor.

Roberta D'Anna 2024-01-08 23:20:03

Sono Roberta, un’operatrice olistica innamorata del mio lavoro e da sempre alla ricerca di rimedi naturali per me e per i miei clienti
Non a caso scopro i cerotti LifeWave, che sperimento su di me,sui miei familiari e infine sulle persone che si rivolgono a me con fiducia…con risultati sorprendenti!
Ad un certo punto mi viene presentato Phil Steinberg, che fin da subito ha dimostrato sconfinata conoscenza e competenza in questo campo
Con la sua esperienza,con i suoi consigli e la sua disponibilità, mi sta permettendo di mantenere alta la mia reputazione (alla quale tengo tantissimo)fornendo preziose indicazioni alle problematiche individuali che si presentano di volta in volta
Cos’altro aggiungere se non
Grazie LifeWave
Grazie Phil
Good vibes a tutti

Mira 2024-01-04 22:03:31

Phil Steinberg’s leadership in network marketing has been truly inspiring. His guidance has empowered me to build my business, emphasizing the importance of finding my “4” – the core individuals I care about and lead towards success. Steinberg’s strategic insights and commitment to people-centric leadership have been instrumental in shaping my entrepreneurial journey. His influence extends beyond business, creating a positive impact on both professional and personal growth.
Phil Steinberg’s impactful leadership extends to his experience with LifeWave products, which he generously shares. His firsthand knowledge of these products adds a unique dimension to his guidance, showcasing practical applications and reinforcing the effectiveness of integrating quality offerings into our businesses.
Thank you !

Lele Morra 2024-01-04 16:30:00

Phil…. Lo conosco da anni (collaborando nell’azienda LifeWave)
Non nascondo che quello che ho imparato devo in buona parte ringraziare Phil. Sempre pronto a supportare un cliente piuttosto che un collaboratore. Ed ogni volta che lo incontro ad una conferenza piuttosto che ascoltarlo ad un webinar e’ un piacere attingere quelle qualità significative di professionalità, preparazione ed empatia degne di un professionista a 360°
Nel network e’ facile incappare in situazioni dove prevale egoismo ed interesse personale.
Grazie Phil per aver sempre professato l’esatto contrario !
E’ stato e sarà sempre un piacere collaborare con te, c’è solo da imparare.

Alexandra 2024-01-04 13:30:13

Phil’s profound commitment to Lifewave has not only made him a remarkable role model for me since I joined the company in 2018 but also a driving force within the organization. Having accumulated over 18 years of invaluable experience with the same company, Phil stands as shining exemple of leadership in the industry.

In an industry that demands resilience and adaptability, Phil’s enduring presence and commitment speak volumes about his leadership qualities. His ability to navigate challenges and inspire those around him has left an indelible mark on both the company and its members. Phil’s vision extends beyond individual success; he is driven by a genuine desire to create a platform where everyone can thrive.

As I continue to learn and grow within the company, Phil’s leadership serves as a guiding light, motivating to model his dedication, passion, and unwavering pursuit of excellence.

Krzysztof Markowski 2024-01-03 20:55:24

Phil is definitely one of the most committed MLMers with a lot of experience. He is a professional in the full sense of the word. You can count on him for his support, if you are a person who wants changes in your life, working with him will give you a huge advantage. In cooperation with Phil, you can count on honest, reliable and specific work that brings results. My meeting with Phil and his advice turned out to be a turning point for me. From the moment I started following his advice, my business took on a professional shape. Even though we have separate sales and MLM teams, Phil is very communicative and adds a lot of value to our industry. It is worth building relationships with him. I recommend working with Phil!

Simona Gotta 2024-01-02 13:16:19

Phil Steinberg è un professionista che ha saputo negli anni adattarsi all’ andamento del mercato e mofificare le strategie di networkmarketing,rendendole attuali e meno obsolete, guidando il suo gruppo al massimo sviluppo, applicando la semplicità a qualcosa che si tende spesso a rendere complesso . In questo modo chiunque ha potuto approcciarsi a questo tipo di business. Il suo metodo è semplice e duplicabile, proprio come nei crismi del sistema multilevel.
Altra sua peculiarità è l’ essere sempre didponibile e presente nonostante il suo elevato rango in affari e la mole di persone da seguire, essendo a capo della quasi totalita della struttura Lifewave italiana.. Le sue caratteristiche sono grande passione , enorme gentilezza, cortesia e sapiente tecnica di business.

Maria Cristina Bellucci 2023-12-31 19:20:26

Passionate about Lifewave technology, I, a holistic professional, embarked on my first journey into Network Marketing. Initially navigating uncharted waters, I faced obstacles in communication. meeting Phil Steinberg proved to be pivotal, it not only illuminated my path but also reshaped my trajectory. Phil’s great availability, deep expertise and rich experience proved transformative, triggering a profound change in my approach. Fueled by new insights, I began to improve, contributing to the well-being and economic improvement of others. Today, witnessing the growth of our group fills me with immense joy and gratitude. Phil, your influence is great. Thank you very much for starting me on this positive and fulfilling path.

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