Review by JP Koster on Mannatech
I have been privileged to be involved with Mannatech Inc for almost 9 years.
I started as a 22 year old student to make an extra stream of income. What impressed me about Mannatech was the benefit my friends and family received from taking the product technology and the difference it made in their lives.
Firstly regarding the product, Mannatech has more than 130 patents on their product technology. They are innovators or Glyconutrition and Real Food Technology Product Solututions. There is currently more than 17 published clinical trials and also the company offers clients a 90 day money back guarantee. But most importantly these products make a difference in peoples lives by allowing them to feel better, have more energy, lose body fat and of course overall optimal wellness.
Secondly, regarding the company. We are unique in the sense that we have been in business for more than 24 years, a publically traded company (MTEX) on the NASDAQ, and currently operating in 25 markets. Mannatech Is based in Dallas.
Thirdly, our new compensation plan which launches on the 1st of July it’s going to help associates accelerate their growth tremendously because of how innovative it is in finding customers, retaining customers, assisting new associates in finding customers, building leaders and volume and matching commissions.
Lastly, we are a Social Entrepreneurs, with every order a customer or associate places, Mannatech will donate a whole moment supply of Phyto-Blend powder to nourish a child which is less privileged in developing countries through our Mission 5 Million foundation.
I would love to assist and speak to any potential customers or associates that are looking at partnering with Mannatech.
JP Koster
Gold Presidential Director
Chairmans Club 2015 & 2016
Business Builder of the Year EMEAA 2015
Contact details.
Facebook: JP Koster
[email protected]