Review by MAQHAWE on Crowd1
Crowd 1
1.) Miggster will be launched November 14, 2020. The first set of games will be puzzle, social, and basic games (examples are games like candy crush, angry birds, and board games).
2.) There will be games that will be available for offline playing to cater areas that don’t have good internet connection.
3.) There will be Miggster Premium Games (E-Sports) that will be launched by end of January 2021. There will be tournaments that will be played through Crowd1 Live using the Crowd1 App. Members will be competing country versus country.
4.) Epic 1 Lotto will be relaunched. It was delayed due to technical and logistic difficulties caused COVID 19. December 2020 will be its launch and it will be available to all countries where Crowd1 is present.
5.) October 10, 2020, there will be an event, 1 month before the launch of Miggster, everyone must be present to help with Miggster Launch.
6.) Over 400 games will be launched from November 2020 to January 2021.
7.) Everybody must help with the success of Miggster. As estimated, with the successful launch of Miggster, *a Director 1 ?* level will receive at least *20,000-30,000 Euros per month by January 2021