Review by Tamara Rogers on Lyoness

I have been with Lyoness/Lyconet since Oct 2013. It just keeps getting better and better. When I first caught the idea of it, I thought it was a brilliant concept – a free shopping membership (Cashback World) where you get cashback on every purchase, which can be set to be deposited to your personal bank account, so you can spend it however you want. OR if you spend it within our network of 80,000 merchants you can benefit even more and you get shopping points worth $7.50 – $15 each with every purchase.
I am also Lyconet member (a marketer / business builder) and when I first started my income was built upon how much shopping volume was generated in my personal network. But now… I can benefit from the shopping from ALL of those international merchants, and each month that grows and grows and grows. Years ago I lost my entire retirement nest egg, despite saving through my late 20’s and 30’s, by following the conventional RRSP/401K savings doctrine. 4 years ago at 47 I had no retirement $$ BUT now I’m set. Boom! Thank you Lyconet!

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