Review by Tyler Davidson-Joyner on iBuumerang

Having been in the profession for 7 years, i've been blessed to be apart of two incredible companies before Ibuumerang, both of which i was a recognised leader for, speaking on the big stages and consistently in the top 10 income earners for my country & globally for my age.

However a big problem was not being able to duplicate my success, as 97% of the people who join MLM don't have the skills to sell a product. The second issue was retention, as the average customer stays on product for 79 days and that statistic hasn't changed in over 60 years.

So no duplication & retention = no real long term residual income which is the main attraction to the whole industry right? This is the problem that most product companies are facing in the industry. Amazon is taking over. You can literally purchase the same product, that a network marketing company is offering, at half the price on Amazon with no sign up fee, no commitment to a monthly order, shipped same day for me.

Thankfully Holton Buggs launched Ibuumerang with a vision to evolve the whole industry by creating the PRIB. You need to know more.

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