Yvette Bethel Founder, Organizational Soul, Top Direct Selling Trainer
As a leadership coach, author and trainer, Yvette Bethel has the expertise, experience and ability to positively impact both individual and organizational dynamics. She understands the inner working of an organization and how to effectively bring together the vision of business with the know-how of the team, encouraging and serving as the catalyst for professional growth through healthy, professional relationships.
A Fulbright Scholar who holds an MBA in Finance with a concentration in Total Quality Management, Bethel put her acquired skills to good use with almost 30 years experience working with Fortune 500 and other types of organizations. Before venturing into her own businesses, she served in various capacities in customer service, operations, training, human resources, marketing and public relations. While working in the departments of human resources, training, marketing and PR, Bethel’s portfolio included eight Caribbean countries.
Bethel is an author and CEO of Organizational Soul and Corporate Education Solutions. She provides HR Consulting Services, leadership coaching and seminars. She also provides her clients with customized e-learning packages.
Having gained international exposure in the areas of Human Resources and training, Bethel integrates this experience with her coaching and emotional intelligence knowledge to build individual and team strengths. Studies show that using emotional intelligence can improve performance and this can be done by improving communication, better managing conflict, improving results and navigating diversity. Emotional intelligence can be enhanced with the right training and support, therefore, the emotional intelligence seminars offered by Organizational Soul are supported by emotional quotient (EQ) assessments and individual coaching sessions.
Bethel earned her BA in Business Administration at Beloit College and MBA in Finance at Rochester Institute of Technology. Bethel is also a Director of Rotary and serves as the scholarship committee chair. She is a member of the Bahamas Chamber of Commerce, a member of the Fundraising Committee for Special Olympics and a member of the Global Coaching Network. She is founder and member of the council of the Lyford Cay Scholars Alumni Association and author of the Tribune column, “The Games People Play at Work” and an audio book entitled “Your Workplace Survival Kit”. In her spare time, she enjoys oil and acrylic painting.
Contact Information:
Yvette Bethel
P.O. Box N-511
Nassau, Bahamas
Phone: 242.424.7166
Top Direct Selling Trainer! If you need training you need to contact Yvette.
Yvette looks like a very interesting lady to meet! I hope to see her at the next Direct Selling Congress.
~Yvette has great credentials and expertise. I have had the opportunity to hear her speak and I was very impressed with her ability to communicate deep concepts in a manner which is easy to understand and to apply in daily life. She’s incredible!
~Adam Green, https://www.YouTube.com/AdamPaulGreen