Direct Selling Companies websites – Internet Traffic Rankings March 2011
The average growth of the top 100 is 14 %
For your reference use we have ranked general Direct selling websites as:
www.mlmwatchdog.com (Rod Cook), www.networkmarketingpro.com (Eric Worre),
www.businessforhome.org (Ted Nuyten), www.networkingtimes.com (Chris & Josephine Gross)
www.obtainer-online.com (Michael Sander), www.dsa.org and Coca-cola.com
Below is a Peer Group based on www.alexa.com ratings.
Rank | Nr. | Company website | Alexa ranking ww | Alexa ranking home country | Sites linking in | 3 months growth | | |
1 | 1 | Oriflame.com | 3,027 | 452 | 242 | 15% | | |
2 | 2 | Avon.com | 4,055 | 1,896 | 1204 | -12% | | |
3 | 3 | Talkfusion.com | 5,787 | 2,486 | 164 | 184% | | |
4 | 4 | Teambeachbody.com | 5,978 | 1,209 | 326 | 42% | | |
5 | 5 | Sendoutcards.com | 8,241 | 1,748 | 1097 | 83% | | |
6 | 6 | Amway.com | 8,617 | 2,479 | 709 | 17% | | |
7 | 7 | Sitetalk.com | 9,884 | 120 | 185 | 148% | | |
8 | 8 | Marketamerica.com | 10,527 | 3,662 | 837 | 102% | | |
9 | 9 | Melaleuca.com | 11,561 | 2,492 | 457 | 4% | | |
10 | 10 | Myshoppinggenie.com | 11,761 | 8,983 | 470 | -15% | | |
11 | 11 | USANA.com | 14,703 | 7,011 | 424 | 6% | | |
12 | 12 | NuSkin.com | 15,612 | 7,579 | 534 | 10% | | |
13 | 13 | Prepaidlegal.com | 16,636 | 3,773 | 1496 | -7% | | |
14 | 14 | Isagenix.com | 18,631 | 4,407 | 145 | 9% | | |
15 | 15 | Worldventures.biz | 19,153 | 9,928 | 28 | 31% | | |
16 | 16 | Marykay.com | 19,742 | 4,923 | 2862 | 9% | | |
17 | 17 | Coca-Cola.com | 19,823 | 13,151 | 2933 | 21% | | |
18 | 18 | OrganoGold.com | 20,982 | 1,712 | 13 | 171% | | |
19 | 19 | Numisnetwork.com | 24,889 | 4,995 | 128 | 12% | | |
20 | 20 | Acninc.com | 25,817 | 7,704 | 416 | -7% | | |
21 | 21 | Vemma.com | 29,188 | 11,740 | 134 | 23% | | |
22 | 22 | Foreverliving.com | 29,372 | 27,437 | 335 | 18% | | |
23 | 23 | Dublinetwork.com | 29,549 | 7,290 | 255 | 19% | | |
24 | 24 | Herbalife.com | 30,058 | 14,834 | 948 | 1% | | |
25 | 25 | Bellamora.com | 33,073 | 10,705 | 72 | 17% | | |
26 | 26 | Nikken.com | 33,706 | 15,747 | 349 | 105% | | |
27 | 27 | Networkmarketingpro.com | 36,861 | 11,281 | 63 | 38% | | |
28 | 28 | Tupperware.com | 37,939 | 9,217 | 278 | 17% | | |
29 | 29 | Immunotec.com | 38,634 | 9,688 | 233 | 91% | | |
30 | 30 | Magneticsponsoring.com | 42,427 | 10,174 | 364 | -35% | | |
31 | 31 | LRworld.com | 43,664 | 3,574 | 255 | -3% | | |
32 | 32 | Monavie.com | 44,136 | 17,467 | 515 | -7% | | |
33 | 33 | 4life.com | 44,369 | 29,312 | 212 | 48% | | |
34 | 34 | 5linx.com | 46,800 | 7,860 | 711 | 3% | | |
35 | 35 | Arbonne.com | 47,210 | 7,727 | 485 | 16% | | |
36 | 36 | Ambitenergy.com | 48,613 | 7,526 | 70 | 2% | | |
37 | 37 | Mlmwatchdog.com | 51,437 | 15,675 | 236 | -15% | | |
38 | 38 | YTB.com | 51,947 | 12,234 | 387 | -6% | | |
39 | 39 | Pamperedchef.com | 51,960 | 10,545 | 469 | -16% | | |
40 | 40 | Cieaura.com | 53,417 | 17,491 | 284 | 25% | | |
41 | 41 | Xango.com | 55,501 | 15,920 | 326 | 16% | | |
42 | 42 | Agel.com | 58,707 | 8,764 | 278 | -15% | | |
43 | 43 | Primerica.com | 59,608 | 13,052 | 523 | -2% | | |
44 | 44 | Tahitian Noni.com (TNI) | 59,940 | 30,412 | 616 | 14% | | |
45 | 45 | Mannatech.com | 60,467 | 32,694 | 131 | 10% | | |
46 | 46 | Vitamark.com | 63,055 | 16,527 | 58 | -20% | | |
47 | 47 | Visalus.com | 63,085 | 11,396 | 66 | 10% | | |
48 | 48 | Advocare.com | 64,135 | 10,789 | 264 | 29% | | |
49 | 49 | Unicity.net | 66,167 | 34,949 | 68 | -3% | | |
50 | 50 | Igniteinc.com | 67,441 | 10,561 | 28 | 81% | | |
Based on 3 months growth
Rank | Nr. | Company website | Alexa ranking ww | Alexa ranking home country | Sites linking in | 3 months growth | | |
1 | 1 | Talkfusion.com | 5,787 | 2,486 | 164 | 184% | | |
2 | 2 | OrganoGold.com | 20,982 | 1,712 | 13 | 171% | | |
3 | 3 | Sitetalk.com | 9,884 | 120 | 185 | 148% | | |
4 | 4 | Globalwealthtrade.com | 142,497 | 4,563 | 43 | 130% | | |
5 | 5 | Nikken.com | 33,706 | 15,747 | 349 | 105% | | |
6 | 6 | Marketamerica.com | 10,527 | 3,662 | 837 | 102% | | |
7 | 7 | Immunotec.com | 38,634 | 9,688 | 233 | 91% | | |
8 | 8 | Sendoutcards.com | 8,241 | 1,748 | 1097 | 83% | | |
9 | 9 | Igniteinc.com | 67,441 | 10,561 | 28 | 81% | | |
10 | 10 | Siselinternational.com | 96,944 | 35,668 | 25 | 81% | | |
11 | 11 | BHIPGlobal.com | 131,509 | 228,810 | 19 | 78% | | |
12 | 12 | NetworkingTimes.com | 120,161 | 32,065 | 108 | 69% | | |
13 | 13 | 4life.com | 44,369 | 29,312 | 212 | 48% | | |
14 | 14 | Teambeachbody.com | 5,978 | 1,209 | 326 | 42% | | |
15 | 15 | Evolvhealth.com | 127,510 | 44,023 | 35 | 40% | | |
16 | 16 | Qivana.com | 409,521 | 136,161 | 19 | 40% | | |
17 | 17 | Networkmarketingpro.com | 36,861 | 11,281 | 63 | 38% | | |
18 | 18 | Business For Home.org | 70,817 | 35,702 | 129 | 38% | | |
19 | 19 | Worldventures.biz | 19,153 | 9,928 | 28 | 31% | | |
20 | 20 | Advocare.com | 64,135 | 10,789 | 264 | 29% | | |
21 | 21 | Waiora.com | 176,591 | 70,356 | 80 | 28% | | |
22 | 22 | Tsfl.com | 114,105 | 18,907 | 37 | 27% | | |
23 | 23 | sunrider.com | 142,279 | 59,631 | 155 | 27% | | |
24 | 24 | Cieaura.com | 53,417 | 17,491 | 284 | 25% | | |
25 | 25 | juiceplus.com | 138,616 | 31,443 | 372 | 24% | | |
26 | 26 | Vemma.com | 29,188 | 11,740 | 134 | 23% | | |
27 | 27 | Zrii.com | 285,727 | 66,398 | 82 | 23% | | |
28 | 28 | Coca-Cola.com | 19,823 | 13,151 | 2933 | 21% | | |
29 | 29 | Drinkact.com | 314,394 | 110,637 | 62 | 20% | | |
30 | 30 | Drinklifein.com (Zija) | 449,714 | 121,255 | 34 | 20% | | |
31 | 31 | Dublinetwork.com | 29,549 | 7,290 | 255 | 19% | | |
32 | 32 | Shaklee.com | 67,477 | 13,586 | 433 | 19% | | |
33 | 33 | Foreverliving.com | 29,372 | 27,437 | 335 | 18% | | |
34 | 34 | Amway.com | 8,617 | 2,479 | 709 | 17% | | |
35 | 35 | Bellamora.com | 33,073 | 10,705 | 72 | 17% | | |
36 | 36 | Tupperware.com | 37,939 | 9,217 | 278 | 17% | | |
37 | 37 | Arbonne.com | 47,210 | 7,727 | 485 | 16% | | |
38 | 38 | Xango.com | 55,501 | 15,920 | 326 | 16% | | |
39 | 39 | Oriflame.com | 3,027 | 452 | 242 | 15% | | |
40 | 40 | Tahitian Noni.com (TNI) | 59,940 | 30,412 | 616 | 14% | | |
41 | 41 | Numisnetwork.com | 24,889 | 4,995 | 128 | 12% | | |
42 | 42 | NuSkin.com | 15,612 | 7,579 | 534 | 10% | | |
43 | 43 | Mannatech.com | 60,467 | 32,694 | 131 | 10% | | |
44 | 44 | Visalus.com | 63,085 | 11,396 | 66 | 10% | | |
45 | 45 | Neways.com | 121,409 | 18,368 | 180 | 10% | | |
46 | 46 | Isagenix.com | 18,631 | 4,407 | 145 | 9% | | |
47 | 47 | Marykay.com | 19,742 | 4,923 | 2862 | 9% | | |
48 | 48 | Lightyearwireless.com | 242,899 | 54,130 | 5 | 8% | | |
49 | 49 | Reliv.com | 172,529 | 32,110 | 162 | 7% | | |
50 | 50 | USANA.com | 14,703 | 7,011 | 424 | 6% | | |
Talk Fusion, Organo Gold, Site Talk, Global Wealth Trade and Nikken are growing sky high.
The average growth of the top 100 is 14 %

A strong decline in internet traffic is not a good indicator…..
For reference use we have ranked general mlm websites as:
www.mlmwatchdog.com (Rod Cook), www.networkmarketingpro.com (Eric Worre), businessforhome.org (Ted Nuyten) en www.networkingtimes.com (Chris & Josephine Gross) and Coca-cola.com
This is a Peer Group.
Go to www.alexa.com to check out your company if not listed above.
Some companies has some work to do…. A decline in Internet traffic is not good at all…
Hey Ted,
Where did my company come in on the list? Or did it even make the list?
Enjoy your newsletter…thanks for all you do.
My company: Prepaid Legal Services, Inc – located in Ada, Oklahoma USA
Jim Shuffield
Go to http://www.alexa.com to check out your company if not listed above.
Hey Ted,
Great idea for a posting! 😉 I need to update the rankings on my site since I have the same list up. I like how you added the 3 month growth.
For WorldVentures, you’ll want to list our .biz site instead of the .com since the .com is not really used at all by the reps. Our 3 month average is 19,207, one month is 16,054. We’re experiencing some pretty big momentum right now. 🙂
Matt Morris
WorldVentures Top Money Earner
PS – I would disagree that declining rankings on web traffic are a bad sign. With my company, we often would have declining traffic but increasing sales due to internet marketers not pushing as hard as the traditional network marketers who produce a lot more than the IM guys.
remember Monavie?
Hey Ted, how about adding Beachbody to your lists? We’ve had a direct sales component for over two years and check out these Alexa ratings: Alexa Traffic Rank now 7532, Traffic Rank in USA 1674 and 688 sites link into it. If some of you don’t recognize the Beachbody name, how about P90x, Insanity, TurboFire, Shakeology, Body Gospel which are just some of our branded products.
Great to see Vemma in the top 10. I expect Vemma to rise even higher. Excellent product, excellent pay-plan and huge growth potential especially in Africa!
You need to add https://sendoutcards.com. Huge numbers.
Pre-Paid Legal should be on here. With an Alexa rating of 16,676 that would put them #5
@ Eric Worre.
If a company is 100% Internet Service based as f.i. http://www.talkfusion.com (Place 5,994) or http://www.sendoutcards.com you get very high numbers in the Alexa rankings as every active distributor is shopping on the front office website. Therefore you have to consider the business model also.
Looking to http://www.sendoutcards.com (Place 8.339) you have that Internet Service Business model. I do not think SOC is doing better/bigger then Nu Skin….
But I noticed an increase of 82% for Send out Card in the last 3 months. Guess that is the Eric Worre effect?
Ted Nuyten
Let’s not forget about comF5 too! Worldwide Alexa rank of 43,642 with Home Country ranking of 13,496. I’d say that’s pretty respectable!
Muy motivador ver el desarrollo de Organo Gold. Me confirma que estoy en la empresa correcta y que el futuro es muy promisorio.
It’s nice to see DRINKACT moving right up the list. We will be at the top very soon.. we’ve had huge growth this last year. you don’t want to miss this….
What about NUMIS Network, gold and silver coins is the coolest autoship at least is an asset that doesn’t expire.
What a boost it gives me to see my company so high in this ranking!
Sorry I meant to link to my name my company’s website, not my blog, not that my blog got a bad ranking but my company’s ranking is not bad as well…COINS ARE COOL!
So Blessed to not only be apart of the FASTEST growing MLM company on the PLANET, But the Fastest Growing TEAM!
Organo Gold Business has changed my Life, What a blessing! No wonder we are rated #1 171% GROWTH! WOW!
It can change yours too!
check out https://www.ogcoffeepays.com
Call me after 678-427-6585
TalkFusion Rocks!!!
Thank You Ted for the info…
Nice to see LR Health ranking 31.. Interesting this ranking. Thanks live with passion David
Talk Fusion is rapidly becoming a household name in over 100 countries. Finally a product and company that everyone in this great industry can appreciate. Congratz to all for making Talk Fusion The Premier leader in helping others to realize their dreams.
Max.com (from Max International) has a three-month global Alexa traffic rank of 127,564. The site is based in the US. Traffic Rank in US, 48,910, sites linking in, 209.
This qualify this company to be number 70 just after Evolvhealth, well i had to clarify that all this traffic is coming for people looking for info and newbies in the company, all the associates doing the business are using the max4u.com for business matters because this is the webpage you get asigned from the company (with your name in front like https://maxone.max4u.com) after getting involved in the business and none of the associates use the Max.com page anymore or refer people to it.
Glad to see so many direct sales companies doing so well! I chose to build my home business with one company that shot to the top in its very first year, EvolvHealth. I LOVE this company and the many great ways they award their distributors, not to mention the fabulous products! Soon the break-through science about this proprietary, all-natural blend called Archaea Active, that’s in the Evolv Water and Gel, will be published in Peer Medical Journals. We will see another huge growth in the company, as the medical field receives the science and these break- through findings about the benefits of increased oxygen in our cells, through drinking Evolv. Evolv makes it easy to consume. Its in pure spring water. By drinking just 2 bottles/day, everyone from professional and collegiate athletes to children and people with health challenges, are seeing amazing results. And others are seeing more energy, endurance, stamina, focus, a reduction in inflammation, better absorption of nutrients from their foods and supplements, and many additional results. What is so neat is that customers and new business builders (distributors) have a 90-day money-back guarantee to experience the business or the product! Everyone can be fully satisfied with their purchase, or where they have come in 90 days of working the system and sharing the product and business with others, or to return everything. How cool is that! Risk-free. That is how certain this company is, that distributors WILL be satisfied at Evolv. http://www.Evolvingworldwide.com 303.979.5263
I have a sewing machine and vacuum store in Florida and started using Talk Fusion video email to contact my customers. Little did realize at the time how much they would like the way I send them emails. The response I get is great, they respond back to me, come up and talk to me in restaurants and in community events. It is like having a good commercial sent to your customer where you address them by their name. I recently went to Las Vegas to a vacuum dealers trade show and had people coming up to me that I didn’t even know who had viewed my video. Someone had forward it to them.
Their is some good money to be made with Talk Fusion which http://www.1027740.tourtalkfusion.com will explain to you, but if you are a business owner and want to give a good impression to your customer or just tell them thank you for being my customer it is a must have. The old saying ” A Picture is worth a 1000 words” is very fitting. However at 30 frames per second for a 20 second video email is 600,000 pictures is worth a whole lot more.
Hi Ted,
Great to see Global Wealth Trade on the list this is truly incredible. I believe the growth will be much higher next time. A lot of us are Using FN system written by our CEO. Luxury products & our culture of “No members left behind”. Amazing compensation plan. This is gonna be a huge 2011.
GWT is Stress Free Network Marketing Amazing Corporate team.
We are Rockin our Feri gettin my money. The best!
Great Job Ted!
Lot of work!!!
Xyngular has been having some incredible growth… hope to see them on the list soon!
IT?S POSSIBLE! a person can go from the Poorhouse to the Penthouse. Talk Fusion has totally changed our lives completely. Looking back 14 months ago, we had only 2 pennies left in our pocket and a sheriff gave us 72 hour notice to either move or pay our past due rent. Due to the recession we lost everything?.our Mortgage Business, a 5 figure monthly income and cars. Talk Fusion Powerful Instant Pay was a miracle for us because we were able to pay outstanding past due bills to current and put money into Savings and Retirement accounts, which we haven?t had in 10 years. We were able to clear up all of our financial debts and get back on track and also pay cash for a BMW X5 SUV and ready to purchase a nice home for cash plus a brand new Mercedes Benz paid by the company. We?re still in ?awe? of how quickly we were able to turn our hopeless situation around and it was all due to hard work and following the simple duplicatable system in place. Talk Fusion CEO Bob Reina has? INSPIRED? us to turn the IMPOSSIBLE into POSSIBLE! We want to Thank Bob Reina for the Talk Fusion Opportunity, his VISION and his AMAZING foresight. He has allowed ordinary people like us to earn extraordinary income and a 7 figure-lifestyle in less than a year . In closing we?d like to say: We feel we?ve made a difference in other people?s lives in 118 countries by simply sharing the Talk Fusion Opportunity. It has given us the chance of a lifetime to be able to ?Pay It Forward?. CHEERS!
Minh and Julie Ho- Grand BLUE Diamonds
? It Doesn?t Matter What Works, It Matters What Duplicates?