Direct Selling Companies Revenue 2010

We are working on a project to list the 2010 revenue for Direct Selling Companies. Below list is work in progress. The revenue for 2010 for a number of companies is estimated based on 2009.
If your company is not listed or need adjustment, please send an email to: [email protected], or put a comment in. The list is sorted on revenue for 2010.
The revenue is in millions $50 = $50 million [private_platinum]
Comments (41)
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I call upon the Direct Selling community to help with this ambitious project!
new image new zealand… public listed… sales 2009 – in US$64mil, 2010 – US$58 = -10%
word is that Arbonne was only $250mil
you cant count Findel as network company, Kleeneze Division maybe GBP80mil. understood to have declined a bit in 2010.
where is telecom plus in UK. public company about $500mil sales?
Missing AquaSource, UK listed – $4mil last $3.6 – 10% up
Also EQology, Norway – listed ?? $10mil last, $10mil…flat
Also Zinzino Sweden – listed – ?? $3mil last, $2.5mil …20%
Dont forget… it need to equate in someways with WFDSA global figures.
USA Direct Selling dropped again last year for 5 years running!
Missing OrganoGold
General Information:
Company Name: VILAVI
Type of Company : Private
Date Established: 2010
Origin: The Russian Federation
Physical Address: 125147, Moscow, 4th Tverskaya-Yamskaya Street, building 9, Russia (Official address)
630132 Novosibirsk, 35, Krasnoyarskaya street Greenwich Business Center, office 1303 (Management company address )
Hi Ted,
I can’t see MyNet Universe/My Shopping Genie anywhere.
Regards Peter
Hi Ted, I am distributor of Agel. I wonder where you take data on the turnover of the company Agel??
I am working with ganoexel as a franchise and with forevergreen too, why are they not listed??
I just got involved with ViSalus. I did see where info relating to the company has been posted in other places on this site but not listed above. Please let me know if I can help. As a new person to direct sales, I am finding your website very interested. The company offers a Body by Vi challenge which is helping people achieve weight loss, maintain their health and get healthier, make money, obtain products for free just by referring 3 others to join them, etc. Thank you.
Asea Inc. a Utah based company has a revolutionary product with a propitiatory formula that influences redox signaling in the body working directly in the cells and creating ATP. Check their massive growth in just a short 2 years of operation.
What is happening this year with Unaico?
Hi Ted,
Linda and I enjoy reading your MLM New and Reviews. We noticed that Nuvia3 is not listed. Nuvia3 is a new and exciting company that launched this past April , would you please include this company on your next review.
Thank you,
Dave and Linda
…you’re really a piece of work…
…it seems very unlikely…
Forgot MyChoice, founded 2008, USA, not sure of volume.
New: The Customer Advantage, 2010, USA, in pre-launch.
My new venture, started 2011, USA, not necessarily a MLM, but has an ongoing residual income plan similar to MLM.
Called ProCo, offers printed marketing products at wholesale prices saving up to 75% over retail. Members join for free, then can automatically earn 20% of all purchases made by their referrals who join. no limit to number of referrals who join, can build a significant residual income.
Here is updated website to The Customer Advantage, similar business model to Groupon except has MLM compensation plan, you get paid when others shop and save 50%, no paid in recruitment, no autoship, no selling whatsoever, totally FREE to join and use. unlike anything in the MLM world. now in pre-launch, Launching any day with DailyDeals like Groupon. Already over 100,000 members first 5 months.
I did not find any information about Lifewave.Have you?
Hi! Ted, i am so proud to be a part of organogold a fast growing company..I am off to a great start! I just found out about a great promotion..i am to excited. I love MLM…Just been in business for 60 days..I never seen nothing like this before…Just imagine 6 month from now, WITH THIS PRODUCT!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Ted : Greetings from the Caribbean Island of St. Maarten/St. Martin !.
To the best of my knowledge, Global Wealth Trade of Canada has had remarkable growth beyond expectations, worldwide per se !.
Trusting to have helped your ambitious project sincerely !.
Ishmael !.
Ishmael Lionell Bacchus. CTC / SCV.
Independent Luxury Consultant !.
(Family Bacchus/Platinum Members).
Amway again as an absolute leader of MMN in the world. Natura as the third one in the world as a Brazilian Company. Fantastic! Keep on growing AMWAY!!!
Colors of Life (line 172) is not French but Switzerland company.
Start was in May 2010 and not 2009 !
Rev was 4 milions….
Thanks to correct please 🙂 !
Nuriche–HQ is Draper Utah in prelaunch phase-we will go public end of this year or beginning of next year
contact Kevin Larson VP Marketing
Network World Alliance
01.05.2010 Germany
Network World Alliance
yessss estare en Lima, este mes de Junio,
Estoy mui feliz por todo que está pasando en mi vida.
Gracias a la Empresa Gano Excel…
Y a mi querido Hermano João Fortes..
Felicidad a todos.
very good i like it
It is not GANO EXCEL at the list!
great work nuyten, keep doing it, we will help you! Start was in May 2010 and not 2009 !
Rev was 4 milions?. Ura!
It’s results of 7,5 months of work from starting company!!!
GREAT RESULTS for young company! ???? ?????? ??????
Hi Ted. Visalus (141) is also owned by public company Blyth which also owns PartyLife (13) and Kleenez (89). Actually, Visalus did $100 million in 2010 and will be doing over $200 million in 2011. Blyth stock is up 175% as reported by the DSA over the past 18 months and on their website Blyth states that Visalus is the most profitable and fastest growing company in their holdings. I spent over 60 days doing diligence by using their products and attending their events before I jumped in with both feet on Aug.1st. I’m a retired Airline Captain and received my first Diamond Pin 40+ years ago from a man named Rich at the same time as my buddy Dexter standing next to me. (If you know what I mean). if any of you want any additional info, please contact me. Craig Kintzel ~ [email protected]
telecom plus started in 1997
hola Ted, felicidades por tu pagina. Quería saber cual fue el total de movimientos de ventas de las empresas de netwokmarketing el año pasado 2’010, y cuantas la ventas pro venta directa? cual es la relación % entre una y otra?
Great information on companies.
Jose Manuel Medina
Empresas multinivel en mexico