The One and Only Top Earner Secret

I have interviewed dozens of Top Earners from dozens of MLM companies. There is one simple secret to success. Your compensation plan don't not matter, your products don't matter, the car you drive don't matter. There is One Secret all Top Earners have discovered:
The secret
If you are part-time and you have only 2 hours a day you can share with 2 prospects a day your opportunity. That are 10 conversations per week.
If you take out 4 weeks (holiday ect.) after 1 year you have shared your opportunity with 480 people. The industry standard is 10% conversion ratio so you will sign up 48 people.
If you are a newbie or a top earner don't matter, 10% will say YES! Training will bring you conversation ratio up, however to the wrong guy you can not say the right things, and to the right guy you can not say the wrong things.
This is the One and Only Top Earner Secret…. There is no short cut…
Ted Nuyten – CEO Business For
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Ted again on the money!
It’s “network marketing,” and most people will not market, and many people do not even network. Kiyosaki does not call it “The Business of the 21st Century” because it is anything other than a business. It requires discipline, commitment and of course consistency that creates a foundation for trust. Marketing any business in the world requires the same consistent effort. If you change your marketing message in the Corporate World or on Main Street USA you can expect mixed if not inconsistent results. If you stop reaching out consistently, you can expect diminishing returns…we see this all over Main Street USA where the shop owner cuts advertising after a few months because he claims that “marketing” does not work. I see restaurant and bar owners change specials and menu offerings around because nobody shows up when they are first advertised.
Network marketing is certainly a numbers game statistically, but the same “game” is played all over the world from Corporations to the small business owner. If you do not reach out or position yourself in front of people, how does anyone expect customers, new friendships, and a business for life?
The interesting thing I bring up is this: Spend $500,000 on a Franchise. Spend 3 years working 70 hours per week to start earning $100,000 per year. It might take you eight years to repay that $500,000. You also accept a ton of risk with a half-million dollar investment.
Why not invest $15,000 to $25,000 into a first year network marketing business? Now if you can’t, why not create a budget and stick with it? I started my network marketing business on a budget of $250. Imagine what could be accomplished with $250,000. The funny thing is if you put $250,000 into a business and did not make all of your money back in the first year, you would not quit working the business! Someone puts $250, $500 or $1000 into a network marketing business, signs nobody, quits, and then claims the business doesn’t work! Many of these same people never even print business cards!
This is a great industry, but you have to “network” and “market” consistently.
Peter Dean Bouloukos
You’re very right here.
But it’s a consistency of many factors.
In what market you are involved, interest and demand,
solidity of the company and managementqualities, and your own vision.
But… do it with your heart. If not…
Hans Mekkes
BBU-NET Marketing
Thanks for the reminder Ted. This is a numbers game. Success leaves Clues. Thanks for sharing the secret. http;//
I’ve got that part down…its helping the people i enroll to duplicate the system that i am failing at!
I do totally agree with Mr Nuyten in this one, we got now a days the internet hype, however, i am still waiting for somebody to show me a downline of 10,000 people created only by using the net, there is no way than anybody can created a relationship, trust, friendlyness, leadership and a longtime relation just by using the net, the personal touch still is “a must” in this business, you can use the net to get to people, but once this is done, you have to interact face to face with this person in order to create the neded trust and relationship who is the one who created and mantain big downlines, if somebody desagree with this please let me know, i want to be proven wrong, in the five years in this industrie i am still waiting for somebody to show me otherwise, maybe somebody knows something i don`t, for the moment i do still building my downline one by one personally with terrific success. I will like to know also how to build a downline w/o a “old school” system in a industrie wich doesn`t have a place to go to learn the little secrets needed to be susccesfull in sponsoring and guidance of a big downline.
true Ted
@Luis: I think there is a large misconception on using the internet. It is simply a tool as as social media as are CD’s, DVD’s … You can use the internet but can never forget the personal touch!
You have to find people that see an opportunity. Where else can an average person make an extra $100K or more part time?
@ Luis: Your way is the only true way to build a downline. You have to make persoal contact. You can send them to a site if they don’t have time to talk but talking one on one is the best way.
Fantastic article! We all need to take our businesses seriously, as though we invested $100k. Treat it like a business (and not a hobby), subscribe to & Networking Times, so that we keep our finger on the pulse of our profession, learn from industry leaders such as yourself, and get out there & promote our businesses each day like there it is our last to people that we come in contact with . There are thousands upon thousands of people that are needing what each & everyone of us has to offer.
Marion Mehrer
Luxury Consultant, Global Wealth Trade
So true Ted. I have had both traditional and online businesses. The main advantage with online business is you can start very cheaply compared with the thousands required to start off line. And you don’t have the same overheads of wages, overtime, holiday pay etc with referrals, so I guess we can’t complain when only 10% do anything.
Just today, one of my sisters was laughing when I told her one of my network marketing businesses was building nicely after a year. She pooh poohed it, yet when I had my second traditional business years ago, no-one expected me to be rich after a year.
One thing about the personal touch online is you have so many different and interesting people from all over the world to make contact and work with. Plus any recommendations they give you help with future business. But you still need to put the hard yards in to build.
Consistency in creating connection…it’s by far the biggest factor to success. Show me a person of any talent who is consistently sharing their product and plan and I will show you a person whose business is growing.
And when we want to speed up the process…compress the activity into smaller blocks of time. The numbers will play the same.
The only thing I would add to this post is that we don’t always know WHEN the percentages will line up. What I mean by that is over time, the percentages will hold true…but it’s possible someone may go 1 for 50…or 3 for 75…then as they get closer to the 100 contact mark and have some good follow up time…the #’s will play out.
This is sometimes hard for people to weather…we need to prep them for what I would call the “time lag” in performance.
Great post, Ted. Thanks for sharing.
Wow! i learn alot from you guys comments.. Peter i know someone didn’t spend much money to come into the business, she told me she was to old,plus when she go on vacations she don’t want to sell no products….i told her she is not selling to anybody,you are asking them question and giving out samples, so she decide she don’t want to do the business. She did’nt give it a chance! She never sign no one up,she just quit! Iknow there are people out there who are looking for a opportunity, to make a better life for there self,it is proving if you stay in for two years,and follow the systems it will work.
Give. Share. Evolv. Every day, every day, every day! Thanks for your coach.
Ted, The numbers don’t lie… the results will be tempered by the QUALITY of your contact. Essentially, the person with the BEST technology compounded by the brightest and most talented upline will win! Find a quality company with talented, engaged, experienced upline and you can win regardless of your own abilities.
Ted, you are right..i need to apply myself more.i need to give out two samples a day..and that wil add up. I do have a great up line, he will be here..may 11,2011 in south holland IL . I have invited guests over to taste the coffee at this event at 6:30pm..…….708-275-2968
Ted i was at a meeting yesterday, and we talk about the 7 ways we get pay..he also talk about getting face to face with people to give them sample of our product. He remind us of the system we suppose to go by.I was told if u don’t follow it want work. If everybody will bring two people in the business, its easy, its simple, you can collect good residual income.
I am gald that i have this opportunity! to get into this business why it is still ground level.. People who have been in this business less than two year are millionare..they understand…please visit me
As a new person I want to thank all of you for the advice given. I am struggling to find people although I have no doubt that Visalus can help not only myself loose weight, get healthy and then stay healthy.. but it can help others and do it free by just recommending only 3 people, I find that to be completely amazing and I am very grateful I was introduced to this opportunity.
I would appreciate any advice. I truly believe in the products and the compensation plan for both customers and the distributor.