Tahitian Noni Name Change To Morinda
On January 7, 2012, Founders and executives of Tahitian Noni International made a bold announcement on the 2012 Global Kickoff Webinar: Tahitian Noni International will officially change its name to Morinda Bioactives in April, 2012.
John Wadsworth, President of Morinda, explained the reason for the change.
Some companies in our industry change their name because they're embarrassed or ashamed of where they have been, Wadsworth said. That couldn't be further from the truth in our case. Tahitian Noni International has experienced record-setting growth, we created the superfruit industry, we have been recognized world-wide for our outstanding business efforts. No, we are not ashamed of where we've been; rather, we are excited about where we are going.
The name Morinda comes from the scientific name for the noni fruit: Morinda Citrifolia. Because of that, Wadsworth said, the new company name uniquely connects past, present and future.
Our new name has the double effect of paying homage to our roots while looking forward as we continue to expand our business focus, Wadsworth said. We are building on the noni foundation we've relied on for so many years, and at the same time we are creating a new bioactive platform. Our new name encompasses all of this.
Over the last 16 years, Tahitian Noni International has been more successful marketing and selling natural medicinal plant bioactives than any other company in the world. The new company name will be a symbol of TNI's commitment to continue growing, innovating and sharing bioactives with the world.
We want to build on the excellent legacy of Tahitian Noni International, said Jeff Wasden, vice president of marketing. We want to create a company that can endure and grow.
Wasden said the company name change does not mean TNI will emphasize the noni fruit any less.
We believe we have a bright future ahead of us, Wasden said, and it includes not only finding more beneficial bioactives, but also more beneficial uses for noni. We recognize the powerful gift we have been given in noni.
Tahitian Noni International will focus on bringing powerfully beneficial bioactives, like noni, to all the world. When the new name was announced, TNI executives expressed a desire to create an organization with tremendous value for company founders, employees, Independent Product Consultants and customers by solving important problems in the marketplace with bioactives.
TNI Will officially change its name in April. Until then we ask for your cooperation by not publishing our new name in any form until then. Stay tuned to goNoni.com for more details as this development unfolds.
Tahitian Noni International is the unquestioned leader in the world of bioactives. The company that created the bioactive industry has taken yet another step to strengten its position as a leader and an innovator.