Black Diamond Mick Karshner Resigns From MonaVie

Black Diamonds Mick and Vick Karshner resigns from MonaVie.
In 2009 they told:
When we first started in MonaVie, we didn't know what we were doing. Mick was a boat mechanic and professional tournament bass fisherman. I was a veterinarian. What did we know about MonaVie and the açai berry? Only that we wanted to change our lives.
We had a tough start and put MonaVie on the backburner for a few months while Mick took off fishing. Then, in March 2006, Mick flew out to Tampa Bay for a corporate event. That event changed our lives. We decided we were going to do this and do it big.
We have been successful with MonaVie by keeping it simple, sharing the product with new people, and having lots of tasting parties. In May, I made the decision to retire. Mick and I hit the road and did more than 60 tasting parties and hotel meetings in 60 days
Comments (35)
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Very sad to see. Well this is not the first and unfortunately not the last time we will see this.
The only reason this happens is the dreams that everyone has of creating residual income for
life never comes to fruition. I have talked with people who built the biggest checks only
to see it disappear because the problem remains the same. Low profit margin products
requiring huge volume from massive teams to maintain residual income and once that heavy
growth period is past the residual income starts to go away. That is why our CEO who himself
built teams of 100,000 but did not see his residual income last created Global Wealth Trade with
products with high profit margins requiring much less volume and much smaller teams to make true
ongoing residual income for life!!
Well Said Sean. Our company is built to withstand generations because of the high profit margins, no-level binary system, larger E/D (earnings/distributor), and a “want” buy for 85% of the world’s population.
God bless u Mick & Vic on ur new journey.
Although I’ve never met u before from ur followers i can see that u were an amazing mentor & leader.
My intention is not to be negative in any way but what i do want to say is unfortunately a leader is leaving our Monavie Dream.
But that doesn’t mean that others will not succeed or that MonaVie is a sinking ship as many are saying on here.
Any network marketing company that u begin ur journey with should only be viewed as the vehicle that will drive u closer to ur dream.
Obviously This was not meant for them & on to the next venture it is.
Listen, my passion lies in Monavie & i am sure that it once did for Mick. & Vic. ONLY they know what Monavie was to them they weren’t involved for a couple of months they were involved much lomger than that & im sure they had a good run. In this company u donot get something for nothing!
We must respect both parties & really stop with the negative talks.
In the End it is God who decides where ur journey will end.
ZIJA is the way to go!!! Having a product that has so much third party validation is so important to one in this industry. Message me me for more info, just take a look to at least have some info on other companies in the industry. I will say that having validation from the likes of the National Institute of Health, John Hopkins Univ., World Health Organization is very powerful for people to see.
Mike people that are in MLM professionally are not basing their decisions on product all they want to know is, Does it work?. Professional networkers base decisions on , if I put forth the work will i be paid very well? Then they want to know if there is a system available to their group so they can win. In turn this makes everyone win. Its not about clinicals. You can’t have distributors running around in white coats acting like doctors with clinicals. You will put in customers but no promoters. If you dont believe me look at a company based out of Canada for 14 years named Immunotec. By the way tell your Mom i said Hi.
Thank you, Mick Karshner and Rob Alwin, for your honesty and character! MANY, honestly most (if not all) in MonaVie took a huge hit when the economy tanked. The high autoship and low retention rate were killers! BUT, as believers in the products, we truly wanted to "stick it out" and do what we could. As a last ditch effort, we joined Talk Fusion to promote our MonaVie business. Like many other former MonaVie distributors (including Hawaiian Blue Diamonds that are on our team), we found that through simple referrals and people asking about what we were using to market ourselves, we made A LOT more money AND had SIGNIFICANTLY higher retention rate with Talk Fusion than we did in MonaVie. Further, we weren't paying for support or training tools! Talk Fusion is the future. As Alexa's #1 rated home business opportunity, we have found an amazing group of people and a wonderful opportunity! Cisco predicts that, by 2014, 90% of all online communication will be video…Talk Fusion has beaten the masses to the future mega trend!!! With Talk Fusion, you can TRULY work from home…NO home parties, tastings, or meetings; NO expensive monthly requirements of autoship to be qualified and paid; NO inventory; NO shipping and/or delivery; and NO lotions, juices, or potions! Please contact us if you 'd like more information on how you can get started with Talk Fusion. Our global, swiftly growing company offers complete training for duplication, ongoing support, and all the leads you can handle! Ed & Kristine Kilgour, Talk Fusion Global
Hi, I’m from Brazil and live in Sao Paulo.
I’m interested in knowing about Talk Fusion, how to get started, and any other info you may provide me with.
May God be with you,
It’s so funny to read all the self promotion going on here. Amazing. I’v been with MonaVie for 6.5 years and The Karshner’s and Alwins are TOP notch people. For MonaVie to changer stance on Open Door and not pay someone for diversifying is just wrong. It saddens me. In my eyes the Alwins and the Karshers are last person you would have done that to. They have GOD on there side. and the truth will set you free. If you want to know what they are doing now go to and join the new wave. I still love the product and will be in MonaVie as long as they allow me to, but I will not hide the fact that I am loyal to MonaVie, but will diversify and build multiple incomes for my family. When I built homes I always had more then one home being built. I can still see Dallin on stage taking about MonaVie’s open door policy and how every other mlm should join in the movement. I miss that MonaVie.
A penny auction really….. You would leave Monavie for a gambling venture? Crazy . Monavie is like every other company in the direct selling industry who offers real products. They require new consumers. Net WORKing means just that those who understand the work part sponsor people, and there teams sponsor people every week. look at Dexter, Brig, some of the greatest guys on the planet still enroll new people.
The billion dollar giants Nu-skin, Amway, Avon, Herbalife all have what in common? Real products that ship. real products that are consumed or used. Hello!!!!! Long term or short term? The long term people know what Im talking about. The short term people go to vegas every other weekend and play the Lotto.
Mick and Rob Alwin did a Zeek rewards webinar call last night.
Newsflash! “Mick & Vic Karshner resign from Monavie!”
“Really? That’s amazing news! Did you know that our company has the most super Duper compensation plan on the planet? Yah! Did you know that the owner of our company has made more money than God himself and now he owns his own multilevel marketing company? Wow! yes and you can join right now for free!!!”
In related news: debris from the Japanese tsunami is now washing up on shore in Southern California.
Geez what are you people a bunch of rookies?
Mike no one makes more money than God
and Mike what company is that?lol
God bless them and may they find what they want in life.
Yes thomas, I know. It’s called hyperbole…………..
Here?s what I find ironic. We have the great randy schroeder saying that Monavie is a fantastic opportunity and that it is the ?best company for the world.?
And yet, we have THREE Black Diamonds that have left mv in the last 6 weeks. Every one of them citing that the reason they left is because, in a word, their businesses have fallen apart.
Frankly, I?m surprised that Rob Alwin stayed with it as long as he did.
So here is the million dollar question: If Monavie is SO great, WHY are all the black diamonds leaving? This is a question that every person in Monavie who is not making any money, and that?s at least 97% of you- probably more.
Here is one more question for you: If Joe can?t do it??if Mick can?t do it?..if Rob can?t do it??.what makes you think that you are any different?
If any of you would like to understand WHY you?re not making money in Monavie email me and I will explain it to you in vivid detail. I know the compensation plan better than randy schoeder himself: [email protected]
Let me just say right off the bat that I am not soliciting anyone for any business as I am not building one.
simple its not a 5 pillars business.
Here?s what I find ironic. We have the great randy schroeder saying that Monavie is a fantastic opportunity and that it is the ?best company for the world.?
And yet, we have THREE Black Diamonds that have left mv in the last 6 weeks. Every one of them citing that the reason they left is because, in a word, their businesses have fallen apart.
Frankly, I?m surprised that Rob Alwin stayed with it as long as he did.
So here is the million dollar question: If Monavie is SO great, WHY are all the black diamonds leaving? This is a question that every person in Monavie who is not making any money, and that?s at least 97% of you- probably more.
Here is one more question for you: If Joe can?t do it??if Mick can?t do it?..if Rob can?t do it??.what makes you think that you are any different?
If any of you would like to understand WHY you?re not making money in Monavie email me and I will explain it to you in vivid detail. I know the compensation plan better than randy schoeder himself: michaelseancollins @ gmail .com
Let me just say right off the bat that I am not soliciting anyone for any business as I am not building one.
Anyone who knows Joe, Mick, and/or Rob knows that what you’re saying, Mike, is totally wrong. All three of them could and did do it. They could have kept doing it, but they made other decisions. Just because they didn’t like the changes in the compensation plan or wanted to do a different type of business for whatever reason does not mean they were not successful with Monavie. Ask them. They’ll tell you directly that they did succeed with Monavie, but changed courses for other reasons. Read Mick’s own posts here and you’ll see that he has nothing bad to say about Monavie. All of the black diamonds are not leaving. There are tons of new black diamonds and royal diamonds breaking for the people who decided to stay. Take a lesson from Mick and Rob and do your own business more honorably than by shooting down others.
“So here is the million dollar question: If Monavie is SO great, WHY are all the black diamonds leaving?”
This is crap….I know alot of black diamonds in Monavie who are not leaving…who’s businesses are growing and continue to grow daily. People achieving new rank advancement everyday. Monavie is stable and not going anywhere. We can’t control what other people do, same in any mlm, people get in, people get out. No matter what level you are at in any company, if you stop actively building your personal downline…your business will fall apart…you have to still personally sponsor new people, even if you are the top earner in the company, your business can still fall apart if you take yourself out of the game.
Sorry Karen you’re wrong. Robs black diamond business is pretty much non existent now. Joes black diamond business was doing about $30,000 a month and going backwards. Kicks was doing the same. When I said “couldn’t do it” I was referring to keeping it going. They left because they’re smart enough to know THAT RIDE IS OVER!
As far as new black diamonds……lol……ain’t happening in the us. And if you point to the fact that Calvin becerra is in his 3rd week of royal qualification I’ll tell you it isn’t real. Calvin was gifted joes team and now Robs. He did build that. Anyone who actually knows what’s really going on in Monavie knows that so before you lecture me Karen make sure you know more than I do. I can guarantee you don’t.
And finally, I am not building a business…….just pointing out some inconvenient truths.
Oh… last thing…..I’m having lunch with Joe today. See, your assumptions are all wrong.
Correction: Calvin DIDN’T build it
Your points are more than valid, Mike! What a lot of people DON’T realize, though, is that moving downlines NEVER works! Yes, Baccera will do well for a short period; but that downline will quickly dwindle before his eyes! Rob and Mick KNEW when to get out…they already was the dwindling coming…moving it over to someone else WILL NOT revive it! MonaVie has SO many issues that I’m not sure it can be revived! AND, YES, Vincent St. Louis, you are RIGHT to build multiple income streams for the security of your family! That’s even what MonaVie USED to tell everyone! I don’t think people are using this as a forum to self promote as much as they’re trying to show others that there are WAY BETTER companies to go with! I happen to know a couple people who gave information about the new companies they are with who are wonderful people (actually my upline in my new company) who were, at one time, with MonaVie. They have seen too many people done wrong by MonaVie; and they’ve seen many hearts broken by that company. When you’re ethical and truly wanting the best for people, you don’t want to see them spinning their wheels or being taken advantage of.
I love all the back and forth between distributors and their current companies. On account of all this bantering I went to Shannon’s site and signed myself up. Maybe I can promote my biz with that Talk Fusion. I like the fact this is truly global. I dont know much about it but it sure looks and sounds very interesting. shoot me an email Shannon. [email protected]
I couldn’t have said it better myself Shannon,
Anyone care to offer rebuttal? randy? Calvin? Todd? How about you dallin?
I met Todd Hartog last summer Calvin is on big left Rob is on his Right how could Calvin get Joe and Robs team. Mike I have been in usana for 22 years. Your post have no place here and Ted should block a ignorant person from posting such garbage. Truly your a ghost and Mike Collins is a fake name.
Mike Gohst Collins says:
If any of you would like to understand WHY you?re not making money in Monavie email me and I will explain it to you in vivid detail. I know the compensation plan better than randy schoeder himself: michaelseancollins @ gmail .com
Let me just say right off the bat that I am not soliciting anyone for any business as I am not building one.
He sounds like a failed Monavie jumper and Zeek guy
real mlm pro i will ask u one question and only one, u said u know the monavie compensation plan right? let me ask u this explain to us how do u get paid executive check match with monavie and yes i will find out if u really know and if u r wrong u need to apologize from every one here how about that
oh and by the way yes Calving got the leg of joe and rob so plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz we know that for the fact what happened
Mlmpro: I can assure you that mike Collins is no ghost name like mlmpro. As a matter of fact I had lunch with one of the aforementioned 3 above. I’m not building ANY COMPANY! And for someone who has been in usana for 22 years you don’t know squat. If you had been paying attention you would know by the YouTube video that was released by one of Calvin’s downline that he did in fact get joes left leg.
Since you know so much why don’t you call Calvin, rob, or joe and ask them. Let me know if you want their number. You ca also get my number from joe if you care to come out from behind your name and run your mouth so I know who I’m making look like an idiot.
Here you go realMLMrookie:
Visalus works. The products are real. The people are genuine. The company gives back. The money is there if you work for it. Best of the best!! Google the healthy redneck or the healthy rednecks wife and learn everything you need to know about how the Body By Vi 90 Day Challenge can be your vehicle to Health and Prosperity. Yes…I'm sure this is shameful self promotion but you have to understand…I have lost 110 pounds and my entire family has experienced dramatic changes for the better since being introduced to Visalus. I would be promoting these products whether I was getting paid or not!! I have witnessed so much positive change for so many people and I am so proud to be a part of that!!! Check it out! It's worth a look. sign my guest book, read my story. Join the Challenge and live the life you just know deep down inside you should be living.
Like sharks in the water………….how rookie-ish
Hello name is Hadzron from Malaysia and before this i was in MonaVie…Gold Executive but compare to Mick or Rob, they made Millions of dollars per year..i didn’t but thanks to god my income was 5 figures in a month….then i was introduced to this wonderful company which was called Organo our team is the biggest team in Malaysia lead by Mr Steve Martin from Canada…i know why they left because they saw a more greater oppurtunity compared to MonaVie….MonaVie is a great company because the productis so amazing…Thanks to Mr Dallin…but for me Organo Gold is very easy because everybody drinks coffee….a consummable product and a platform to become wealthy….thanks guys…just sharing my opinion
I read this thread with interest.
It is natural for there to be a degree of migration between mlm companies. I have seen it happen over many years and it will go on for many to come.
The fact that top earners leave a company does not necessarily mean that there is anything wrong with the company they are leaving. People who are open to an opportunity in the first place, will still have an open nature and may see what they deem to be a better opportunity for them, and they do their due diligence and move.
I have seen top earners in companies such as Nikken, Nuskin, Monavie, Ardyss etc etc move to either join a new company or to start their own. It’s a natural and fairly common event, and the original company carries on as normal.
I wouldn’t take too much time having concerns. Whatever company you are with, keep working and building and don’t worry about what others are doing. If you see an opportunity which you feel is a better option for you, then go for it. You only need to be loyal to you, after all, we are all INDEPENDENT after all aren’t we?!
I was not a top earner with my previous mlm, but I saw an opportunity which suited me much better and left. I had a lot of nastiness levelled at me for it, but I did what was right for me. That company will not miss me and it will continue to do well, but I am happy with my decision and I too, will do very well.
Welcome those who come into your organisations, and graciously let those who move, go. I don’t see that it is necessary to have all the point scoring and mud slinging which happens with this.