Lyoness USA Violating Pyramid, Ponzi, Business Opportunity & Security Regulations?
According to Troy Dooly – MLM Helpdesk:
Currently the Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force, is moving throughout the USA closing down and getting solid convictions and settlements for the consumers.
If Lyoness is found to be a Pyramid or Ponzi, then you can bet the settlements will be in the multi-millions of dollars. Hopefully, it will not be another Zeek Rewards!
So even though Lyoness International have been around for 10 years, that doesn’t make it legal in the USA, and they may have to defend their compensation model if the alligations below are found to be true.
This same issue has happened to US based companies who have gone into Great Britain, Austraila, China, and other counties.
A review of Lyoness can be found here