MLM Distributors – The 8 Categories Of Networkers

What type of distributor are you…..?
Ramin Mesgarlou, AKA the Forensic Networker and CEO of Canadian based Global Wealth Trade, has published a great review about the types of networkers active in the Direct Selling Industry.
This is excellent information as part of his awesome course Forensic Networker. This is the ONLY course that goes in the physiology of the sale and what people think and feel.
Applying this information has assisted numerous people to be more successful in helping prospects to make a wise decision, training the teams to be more effective in duplication and has helped leaders to earn money in a short time.
The depth of Ramin's research is based upon his experience in the field, being a distributor himself and working with 4 companies before he started Global Wealth Trade in 2005. By educating the people in this industry he is changing the standards, providing a vehicle for time and financial freedom with the marketing concept which is the only of its kinds in the world.
Ramin is recognized as Canada’s foremost direct selling guru and one of the industry’s most successful master trainers. Ramin is an author of the book Forensic Networker which is the most advanced direct selling course in the industry. As a high performing distributor Ramin created multi-million dollar businesses from home and created sales organizations of over 100,000 people, which includes multiple million-dollar income earners. Ramin’s philosophy is
“Life does not sustain, if you are not getting better – you are getting worse” and that culture is always evident in Ramin’s businesses.
He was featured and interviewed in Networking Times magazine as a Master Networker and received an award for his contribution to the direct sales industry.
The 8 categories of MLM distributorship are as follows:
1. The Lotto Group
These are the members that come to business presentations and get seduced by the hype, buy an enrollment package and then disappear. Some times these people get in based on the promises of their sponsors, “sign up, and I will build it for you”.
These investors didn’t buy a business and pursue the MLM profession; they bought a home business lottery to see if their numbers would come up.
If this is you, you are NOT in the MLM profession and you will not succeed so enjoy your products.
2. Weekend wonder group
This group is an interesting one. These people usually come to their first meeting in designer suits, looking and speaking confidently. They see this profession as “easy” and they don’t feel any need to educate themselves or attend any training.
They come in fast, bringing in a whole bunch of people, sometimes even generating a few large cheques right away.
A few weeks to a few months later when they don’t see the duplication they quit or simply move to another company and leave behind many casualties.
This group comes into the industry with the attitude that they are going to make a million even if it takes them all weekend. If this is you, you are NOT in the MLM profession and you will not succeed so enjoy your products.
3. Slave driver group
This group is rare but they do exist. These individuals are the investors who come in and expect the upline to build an entire business for them.
This group is not satisfied with just help and support they receive and expect the upline to keep creating welfare cheques for them.
These people are not shy to ask their uplines to place “one or two hot shots” in their legs. If this is you, you are NOT in the MLM profession and you will not succeed so enjoy your products.
4. Social group
The social group generally are nice, friendly people and they comprise a large percentage of the MLM workforce. Their primary reason for being involved in MLM is not money.
They love making friends first; making money is secondary. They are also extremely helpful in event planning and coordination and they often volunteer their time to sit at the registration table and other tasks.
They are at every meeting and training but never bring any prospects with them.
If this is you, you are an important part of any team and are highly liked and respected however you will not reach financial significance, so enjoy your new found friends & your products.
5. Some time group
This group is the largest segment of the MLM work force. They call themselves PART TIME but they are NOT. There is a distinct difference between PART TIMER and SOME TIMER.
SOME TIMERS allow their business venture to take a back seat to all their other competing commitments.
They simply conduct their business when they can and as long as they can depend all of their other life commitments. They don’t have a plan of Action or precise business plan, nor are they building their business on a consistent basis.
They simply do it when convenient or when the opportunity presents itself. “You cannot socialize your MLM business” Ramin Mesgarlou
If your Promise is for your home business to free you up from your JOB, financial stress or traditional business, then you must treat it with the utmost respect.
Doing a mini presentation in the elevator or having a chat in the hall way is not showing respect for your business.
You wouldn’t do that with your JOB nor should you do that with your home business which is your absolute best financial freedom option.
6. Part Time Group
This group does all the right things and have a real opportunity to reach some if not all of their financial promises. Some of the part time group will go on to become “part time serious” or even “full time”. This group is not in a rush and are committed to most of the MLM success principles. There are two key weaknesses that part time group possesses that separates them from the top two most successful groups:
1- They have not committed to become a trainer for their team and only rely on the company systems and the upline to provide all their team support.
2- They have not built LIKE & TRUST with their key leaders mainly because they have not utilized their home to provide support or to spend much quality one on one time with their leaders.
If this is you, you are on the right track; stretch yourself a bit more by hosting weekly events in your home. Also make a habit of treating your leaders for a quick latte and other LIKE & TRUST building activities and you will reach your financial promises. “Objective is to shift as many SOMETIMERS to PART TIMERS as possible”
7. Part time serious group
This is the select group that you always hear about, that “went from 0 – $10,000/month in 12 months PART TIME”. These stories are true and every company has them, but let’s put the facts on the table. This special group maybe termed “part time” but they really have two full time commitments.
– First is their full time JOB or business that takes 40 + hours a week
– Second is their MLM business that also takes 25+ hours a week.
This special group is totally motivated to build their MLM business and replace their full time JOB or traditional business as soon as possible. They live, breathe, sleep their MLM Business and they are what we call E & E (excited and exhausted) until they reach their financial promises. It takes a great deal of commitment and drive to be able to keep on track for 12 to 18 months that it will take to achieve your financial and success promises. I am here to tell you that it’s not easy, but it is worth it and the vast majority of the part time serious group will end up full time within two years.
They work the business consistently and not in spurts, they use all the existing company tools, and if the company does not have sufficient support and training tools they will create them to support their team. Just like pro athletes on practice days, the serious part time group are never too busy or too tired, they show up as they are suppose to and get down to business day after day.
(The only exception to this is when leaders from other MLM companies switch and bring with them other qualified MLMers who fall into part time, part time serious or full time categories. In this case, the leader can succeed rapidly without investing the commitment and the efforts that it would normally be necessary. Lets not let these exceptions confuse you of what it takes for an average person to achieve similar results
8. Full time group
The FULL TIME group shares many similarities with the part time serious group. Most full time distributors started as part time or part time serious on their way to full time. However, there is one serious danger that full time distributors face which sometimes can lead to financial turmoil for many. The industry’s common teaching is to “work your MLM business on a part time basis until you replace your full time income (JOB, traditional business), then quit your full time income and build your MLM business full time”.
That sounds great and it is the objective of millions of MLMers. The danger here is that until the Forensic Networker program no one was providing these ambitious MLMers with a FULL TIME MLM business plan. The distributors are told to continue to work their part time business plan by simply doing more of the same. I have seen over and over again distributors who started part time and quickly replace their full time income with their company’s part time business plan and quit their jobs. When that happens the new found freedom will sidetrack their focus as they start to enjoy the fun things in their lives.
Some even fall into the “Some time distributor” category. When they finally decide to get back to work they become very confused because they don’t know what to do.
The reason for the confusion is that working your MLM from home full time is a totally different business than doing it part time. Part time members can get away with doing little since they have a full time income with their full JOB. Regardless of their income, the part timer feels good about any effort they put towards their business since it is over and above their full time job commitments. Their distributors also see them as “committed” within the platform of the part time distributor. The distributor’s work habits are created during this phase, but once the platform changes to full time, the lingering part time habits create confusion and frustration.
The routine plan no longer is a fit for them and a new comprehensive full time plan is required to sustain and increase the momentum of the business.