150,000 Dominicans Affected By TelexFree

Santo Domingo – The Specialized Prosecutor for Money Laundering and the District Attorney's office started an investigation into the alleged laundering of assets, fraud and violations of the Security, Monetary and Financial laws involving the TelexFree Dominicana commercial enterprise.
According to a report published today by Diario Libre, the company has allegedly affected 150,000 Dominicans with its actions.
The numbers that are being handled extra-officially are over RD$4.3 billion.
The District Attorney of the National District said that they were authorized to begin an investigation by means of a complaint filed by the Dominican Republic Superintendent of Securities on 3 March.
Financial analyst Alejandro Fernandez suggests that given that the company offered a gross return of 347%, this implies that it had liabilities/contingency funds of RD$150 billion, the report added.
Source: Dominicantoday