Brain Abundance – 20,000 Distributors And Shipping To 160 Countries

Brain Abundance, a multilevel marketing company offering a one of a kind, first to market dietary supplement formulated to protect and support healthy brain performance and function, launched January 15, 2014 in less than a year Brain Abundance is shipping product to over 160 countries and has over 20,000 active IBO's (Independent Business Owners).
The uniqueness of Brain Abundance stems from the new technology that allows it to service its Independent Business Owners (IBO’s), worldwide on a cloud based platform.
This allows people from any country to join and build a business no matter where they live.
Brain Abundance’s initial launch product, Brain Fuel Plus, is a daily supplement containing 13 ingredients that work synergistically to support cognitive function, memory, mental clarity, and mood. Being first to market, it gives the IBO a distinct advantage in the networking market place.
Enrollment Options to become an IBO in Brain Abundance are simple and low cost, which again makes it very easy for people, no matter what their financial status is, to start and run a home based business.
A new enrollees is simply required to make a purchase of at least 1 bottle of Brain Fuel Plus for $59.00 plus shipping and a one-time $20.00 setup fee that gives new IBOs access to an automated email system, training and business tools that most companies charge a monthly fee to use.
The Compensation Plan with Brain Abundance is a new concept referred to as an Accelerated Binary Compensation Plan, allowing the IBOs to earn commissions faster than a conventional binary plan, by requiring the sale of only 1 bottle of product on each of their 2 legs to receive a commission check.
In addition to earning from the binary portion of the compensation plan, the IBO can qualify for coding bonuses, fast start commissions, rank achievement bonuses and the new Rising Star Bonus that allows IBO’s to share in a percentage of the total sales of the company!
The Owner and President, Eric J. Caprarese is considered one of the most well-respected leaders, coaches, trainers, and consultants in the network marketing industry,
Eric Caprarese is a true leader's leader. Starting from nothing in this industry, Eric has built organizations with volume well into the millions and has been a top income earner in multiple companies over his 25 year career in this industry having helped tens of thousands of others create supplemental and life changing incomes through his teaching, training, and commitment to helping others.
With that experience, Eric has seen it all in the network marketing industry. He knows what works. He knows what doesn't work, and he knows what it takes to build and run a successful company for the long term.
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