Mukesh Yadav From India Is NOT Working For Business For Home
2 year's ago we have worked shortly with Mukesh Yadav from India to cover Direct Selling news for that market. However after a couple of weeks we were contacted by Indian Direct Selling companies that Mukesh Yadav was very harrishing and not professional at all.
Therefore we ended immidiately our freelance agreement with Mukesh Yadav, which is already 2 years ago.
According to several messages Mukesh still approach companies in India as Business For Home reporter. We have asked Mukesh Yadav several times to stop this, not using our name and content but the guy refuses to do so. This is the reason for this public article.
A recent message from a well known and respected Direct Selling leader stated:
I am writing this note to you and I would like you to keep it confidential.
You appointed Mukesh Yadav as your Indian correspondent and I dont know whether he is still on that post or not but let me tell this to you very clearly that he uses your name and Business For Home as a potential shield to disturb and harass major companies of India and USA based companies which are working in India.
He directly calls up CEOs and asks for news, secret information on your behalf. He also takes undue advantage of being your reporter and asks companies to change his LOS or give him money/ deals to join them. He is a failed networker who has IDs in every company.
He has harassing a lot of top earners and industry people on facebook. I request you to take appropriate action to save your face in the Indian market. I am sorry to say but you have put your faith on the wrong guy.
It is clearly mentioned on his fb page that he works for you. There would be no harm in sending a letter to your Indian subscribers to not entertain his calls. Best if you can put it on your website.
This person may also have some mental challenge. I have recordings of him talking to ceo's and shouting. (I can send you on WhatsApp, let me know your number). We are good friends and it was my responsibility to bring this to your notice as you are a responsible person running a website which people trust.