Talk Fusion Expands Into Central Africa

Talk Fusion continues to demonstrate international success in countries throughout the world. In the sovereign state of Gabon, Africa, Associate Judicael Obame was hard at work as a full time PhD student in biological sciences. In an effort to overcome mounting debt and help earn financial freedom for his family, he tried several personal business endeavors.
Unfortunately, each of them took up so much of his time that he had to abandon them. It appeared he would have to make a terrible choice: his higher education and the career of his dreams OR making enough money to get out of debt and help his family.
Fortunately Judicael was introduced to Talk Fusion by a friend before he had to make that critical decision. He didn’t need his PhD to realize he had found the opportunity that would help him achieve the financial freedom he desperately needed.
“I've never been so excited and enthusiastic in my life about doing something as I feel now!” he says. “Before being introduced to Talk Fusion I was in debt, but now I'm getting more and more debt free. I'm very determined to continue.”
Ironically, a year before joining Talk Fusion, a friend he hadn’t seen since high school sent Judicael a Talk Fusion Video Email. “It was very cool to see him again, talking to me through a video email after such a long period of silence,” he recalls. “Looking back, I realize it was a mistake for me to not have asked him how he did it. If I had, I would have joined Talk Fusion a year ago!”
Judicael approaches his Talk Fusion business with the same energy and dedication as he gives to his PhD studies; in fact, he is able to work part time at Talk Fusion while completing his degree. The key is expanding his business with a team of committed Associates. “The Talk Fusion business here is growing with powerful momentum. Associates here are very enthusiastic; the number of associates is growing all over the country. A great team of Talk Fusion Champions is born in Gabon.”
A huge inspiration for his team is Talk Fusion’s Instant Pay. However, given that Instant Pay is the only compensation plan in the world that pays just three minutes after the sale, some people have a difficult time believing at first. “I remember an Associate who was a little skeptical about that,” he remembers. “But I assure you that when she sponsored her first associate and got paid right away, she told me ‘Thank You, Judicael’ with a huge smile! Instant Pay definitely gives my team more motivation and commitment to continue their business.”
Even as he works toward finishing his PhD, Judicael plans to promote regional Talk Fusion events locally in his town and nationally across Gabon. “I think about the freedom to get all you need that you have never had the possibility to get before. I think about the possibility to travel around the world and live your dreams. I think about helping people through various initiatives because you have money to do that.”
Considering his college expenses and the need to help his family, Judicael has a final thought about how his successful Talk Fusion business will change his life forever. “I think about being debt free.”
A trend-setting industry leader, Talk Fusion connects people around the world through cutting-edge video technology for social and business communication. Talk Fusion's innovative video products are marketed person-to-person by independent Associates in more than 140 countries, empowering them to earn the financial freedom to live their dreams.
Founded in 2007 by CEO Bob Reina, Talk Fusion introduced the world’s first Instant Pay Compensation Plan. Talk Fusion adheres to the highest ethical business practices and is a member of the prestigious Direct Selling Association (DSA). Reina firmly believes that “with great success comes greater responsibility.”
Talk Fusion fosters a strong commitment to giving back to friends, family, communities, and animal charities across the world to produce a positive global change. Learn more at and “Like” Talk Fusion at
Income Disclaimer:
Any earnings portrayed in any Talk Fusion marketing materials are not necessarily representative of the income, if any, that a Talk Fusion Associate can or will earn through his or her participation in the Talk Fusion Instant Pay Compensation Plan. All references to income, implied or stated, throughout the Talk Fusion Instant Pay Compensation Plan are for illustrative purposes only. These figures should not be considered as guarantees or projections of your actual earnings or profits. Talk Fusion does NOT guarantee any level of income or earnings to any Associate; any representation or guarantee of earnings would be misleading. The purchase of a Talk Fusion Product Package is completely optional and is not required for an Associate to participate in the Talk Fusion Instant Pay Compensation Plan.