Matt Morris – Recognized As WorldVentures Nr. 1 Top Earner

At WorldVentures convention in Las Vegas, Matt Morris was recognized as the company’s #1 income earner.
Matt Morris stated upon his recognition:
“Amazingly inspired, grateful and maybe even a little overwhelmed with being recognized as our company’s #1 income earner.”
Leading a team that has grown to well over one million customers in the past 9 years had very little to do with me, and everything to do with the magic behind our company, product, field leadership, training system, and our business building system.
I’m very proud of this award but I’m much more proud of the fact that we’ve created over 5,500 directors and 23,000 senior reps.
Yes we’ve created many million dollar earners but the fact that we have so many thousands of lives that have been positively impacted is just staggering. 9 years ago I cast a vision and said we would be filling up arenas all over the world. Today we are doing exactly that and are hosting major events in 5 different continents. Yes that’s impressive, but mark my words, we are just getting warmed up. The reality is, they do not even build stadiums big enough to hold us for what we’re about to do.
Many will doubt me, just as they doubted me in the beginning. But really hear me when I say, those who doubt me now are even bigger fools than those who doubted me 9 years ago. I don’t say that out of arrogance or ego but purely out of what I know my truth is. We have built something truly magical and have, like I’ve never seen, created a culture that is one big family. We are not just building a company, we are changing the world together.
Thank you Wayne Nugent for being our visionary and starting this company, Marc Accetta for being our Director of Training and creating our leadership development factory, Josh Paine for being our CEO and so expertly steering our ship, Eddie Head for being our President and always having our back, and WAY too many other field and corporate leaders who are #BuildingaDynasty with us.
World Ventures Top 20 Income earners are:
1. Matt Morris
2. Johnny Wimbrey
3. Jefferson Santos
4. Jeff Bolf & Troy Brown
5. David Pietsch
6. Eric Gryzbowski
7. Kari & Lisha Schneider
8. Martin Ruof
9. Michael Jex
10. Byron Schrag
11. Julio Acosta
12. Dave and Yvette Ulloa
13. Tom Goris
14. Roscoe Taylor
15. Lorenzo Roybal
16. Don Morton
17. Raymond & Janie Braun
18. Travis Just
19. Robb & Kim Campbell
20. Jay Payso
About WorldVentures
WorldVentures is a privately held company based in Plano, Texas, that sells travel and lifestyle community memberships providing a diverse set of products and experiences.
The companys goal is to help Independent Representatives, DreamTripsâ„¢ Members and employees achieve more fun, freedom and fulfillment in their lives. WorldVentures uses the direct sales model to go to market with active Representatives and members worldwide.
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