Zeniq Coin Review: A Ponzi Scheme
In the past years hundreds of crypto coins have been launched with a Network Marketing compensation plan attached and 99,99% of them are out of business. It is not a good marriage…
The company CEO Erwin Dokter, is/was the CEO of the collapsed Juwelis Coin in 2020. Zeniq coins is an other attempt of him and others to put a Crypto / MLM product into the market.
Zeniq coins is promoted by a number of bad actors listed on the MLM blacklist.
Why is Zeniq coins, a product of Dubai based Safir International a Ponzi scheme and an illegal security offering?
The compensation plan allows you to “invest” between Euro 100 – Euro 330,000….
In the USA the government (FTC, SEC) will take out fast such an investment MLM company (Security offering, Ponzi scheme) and that is the reason MLM Crypto’s are outside the USA situated nowadays, in this case in Dubai, and you are not allowed to bring in USA residents….
(Field leaders will tell you to use a VPN to bring in investors from the USA.)
The company stated on their website:
“Zeniq technologies Ltd does not provide any financial services, offerings or financial advice and is not licensed or regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority ‘DFSA”
If new investments will slow down, the Zeniq coin will be dumped by the top players, corporates or field leaders, and small people will loose their investment. It is happened hundreds times in the past…
Zeniq coins is not different.
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