Çaǧri Kivrakdal From Turkey Achieves Green Diamond Rank At Kyäni

As one of Turkey’s top Kyäni Business Partners, there’s one thing Çaǧri Kivrakdal always tells others: he wishes he had known about Kyäni years earlier.

“Kyäni has helped me in so many ways,” he says.

“My health–and the health of my loved ones–has been optimized. I’ve received training from professionals in the field that has helped me with personal development. We’ve felt safer financially.

But most importantly, Kyäni has allowed me to look at life from a wider perspective.”

When coaching his team, Çaǧri always reminds each team member that it’s impossible to be successful on your own at Kyäni. Success is all about surrounding yourself with talented and visionary people to help your dreams become a reality. You have to find the people who will help you leave your comfort zone and push aside the habits that waste valuable time.

For new Kyäni Business Partners, Çaǧri aims to teach them things he wishes he’d realized when he started building his business.

“Don’t get hung up on people saying no,” he says. “There are going to be some blocks in the road, and you will find people with suspicious and negative attitudes, but you have to keep going.”

With that attitude that Çaǧri has built a successful business with Kyäni. He considers all the people he’s helped with Kyäni products and the Kyäni opportunity as one of his biggest accomplishments.

“Without Kyäni, I would probably have continued to live as an unhappy, ordinary person who wanted to do more for my health and well-being.

“Now, I’m no longer looking desperately towards the future. I’m with a company that aims to make good people better and carry goodness throughout the world.”

Çaǧri’s Life Philosophy:

Always live in a way that is honest, reliable, and beneficial to other people.

About Kyäni

Kyäni, Inc., founded in 2007, is an internationally recognized health and wellness company based in Idaho Falls, Idaho, USA. From its inception, Kyäni has been the globally recognized pioneer of Nitro Nutrition™ and antioxidant support by being the first to recognize the efficacy of the Wild Blueberry and other ingredients that support natural Nitric Oxide production in the body.

In our selection of core products, which include The Triangle of Health®, powerful Protein Nutritionals, Kyani ON® Optimized Nootropics™  energy shots, and the Kyäni Electro™ hydration and Nitric Oxide regeneration mix, Kyäni harnesses the power and potency of wild and natural ingredients to lead the way in increasing and improving overall health and wellness through proper nutrition.

With its value rooted in unrivaled, wild-sourced nutritional supplements, Kyäni is also able to offer a rewarding opportunity to its Business Partners in more than 50 countries around the world. For more information, please visit www.kyani.com.

DISCLAIMER: Advancing in Rank and participation in incentive trips, car programs, and other sales promotions are not typical or guaranteed. Qualification requires hard work, skill and meeting specific sales targets. Most people do not qualify.

By referring customers, you can earn meaningful supplemental income based on actual product sales. Most people join only to purchase amazing products for personal use and earn little or no income. To see what’s possible, visit income.kyani.com.

DISCLAIMER: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Kyäni products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition.

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