Jessie Lee Ward – Top Network Marketing Leader Passed Away

Jessie Lee Ward (aka Boss Lee), who has been the Network Marketing Queen and the number 1 Top Earner in the Network Marketing Industry has passed away. Jessie was an awesome human being, and touched many lives. She was a true social media influencer at its finest with:

Jessie was diagnosed in March 2023 with stage 4 colon cancer and discussed her battle openly on her social media. Although she made progress with an holistic approach, she suddenly passed away.

She said in below video in August 2023:

“If you’re just tuning in I am chronicling my journey of my diagnosis of stage four metastatic colon cancer and I am telling you all the details so that you or any of your loved ones who might be going through something like this can learn from it.

Can grow from it can maybe not freak out as much as you might from your cancer Journey if you happen to be online and maybe provide you some information some insights some tools some tips some tricks and ultimately just take you on a super transparent journey of everything.

“I’ve been through because you start to realize that it’s kind of a legacy play that you’re on and you take into a completely different consideration when you get a diagnosis diagnosis and a prognosis as well which are two totally different things life you realize that each day is super precious.

And you realize that time really can stop like that you never know so with that said welcome welcome zone two I guess I’m excited to be here on the Channel with you and there were a couple things that I haven’t shared with you in my first episode that I want to kind of baby back it up.

“These are just a few things I think are very important so the first thing is I don’t think I really took you through the MRI experience and for some of you this might be something that is extremely scary this might be something where you feel like you’re claustrophobic or what’s it going to be like and I want to talk about my experience.”

Jessie Lee Ward, it was an honour to be your friend, rest in peace: Ted Nuyten & Dini Noorlander.

A tribe to Jessie Lee Ward by Eric Worre:

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Comments (1)

  1. Jessie Lee Ward didn’t see progress from her holistic “treatments,” she lied about her latest scan results and was in deep denial while spreading medical misinformation to her many followers. This article should be updated to reflect that OR this website is part of the misinformation pipeline.

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