
Review score
★★★★★ (5 out of 5 stars based on 20 reviews)
Country CH Switzerland
Est. Revenue 2018$23.00
Est. Revenue 2019$27.00
Est. Revenue 2020$54.00
Est. Revenue 2021$79.00
Est. Revenue 2022$99.00
Est. Revenue 2023$99.00
Est. per year$64.35 million
Est. per month$5.36 million
Est. per week$1.24 million
Est. per day$176,301
Est. per hour$7,345.89
Est. per minute$122.43
Est. per second$2.04
Est. since viewing this page$2.04

Top Earners (7)

Business Grade

Business For Home recommends selectively offering based on professional judgment. There is at least moderate certainty that the net benefit is small for a distributor.

About the company

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Vertera Rating by Business For Home

Direct Selling professionals have rated this company based on their experience as a user of the reviewed products and opportunity. The reviews of the products and opportunity usually comments on how well the company measures up to expectations based on the specifications provided by company. Observations are factual as well as subjective in nature. The reviews comment on service experienced, and dependability or trustworthiness of the distributor.

★★★★★ (5 out of 5 stars based on 20 reviews)
Soltanova Fatima 2023-11-15 04:10:00

Thank you very much to the Vertera company for my health. The result after use is amazing. All my children became healthy thanks to the use of Vertera. Thanks to our Anatoly Khitrov and his team for creating an innovative product, thanks to which you can become completely healthy. I have now completely given up pharmaceutical medications and my diet consists of 100 percent Werther products.
Sleep and digestion have improved, once again many thanks to the Vertera company. My granddaughter takes vitamins only for a smart child, we noticed an improvement in memory and immunity.
Thanks to this nutrition, I recovered very quickly after a complex operation. Now I feel a surge of strength and energy.

Nemat Zibeyda Nahmatovlar 2023-11-08 21:15:25

Salamlar olsun her kese.
Biz vertera sirketi ile bu il avqust ayinin son gunde tanis olduq.
Evvelce mehsullar sifaris edib yedik.
Cox super neticeler aldiq.
Ve daha sonra niye bunu bir biznese cevirmeyek deyerek basladiq derinden oyremeye.
Sagolsunlar bu yolda bize destek olan liderlerimiz.
Qisasi biz burda hem saglamligimizi qorumagin yolun oyrendim hemde tam resmi sekilde gelir elde etmeyi.
Vertera heqiqetende heyatimizda yeni bir sehife acmaga komek oldu.
Vertera size saglamliq zaman ve finans azadligi bexs edecek belkede en gozel mlm sirketdir.
Tesekkur edirem bu sirketde bu mehsullarin hazirlanmasida ve getirib Azerbaycana cixardilmasinda emeyi kecen her kese.
Cox sagolun bura qeder oxudunuzsa))

Natalia Shishigina Yakutsk 2023-10-11 11:27:35

Brilliant, friendly, hopeful company with organic healthy food on the base of the laminaria. It helped me to be more useful for my children and grandchildren because I improved my health very much! I thanked our President and his colleges in this company for their attention to all people's health in Russia and all over the world! By the way, friends, you may visit our company site "" and also write me "[email protected]"
The most important thing that you may improve your financial condition by telling about your results concerning your family health to all your friends, relatives, colleges. It is possible to take part in many vebinars online where the best leaders and practical doctors tell us how and what company products you should eat every day because they have 140 minerals, vitamins, other necessary components for the balance of our body.

Svetlana Taneva 2023-08-08 12:42:22

Thank you to Vertera and its "LEADERS" for closing my office with over 400 people and distributing the people among them. Thanks for keeping my tokens inside too. Folks, before you get involved in any company research well.
This is a company that is working for its own interest not protecting the interest of its partners.
I was running a project Denivest that people invested in and now they can't get their money. All this was done for one purpose – PROFIT but not for the people but for the company.

The products really work, but…. one big BUT… everything else is below any criticism.

Lesya Shutova 2023-03-28 07:09:46

Many thanks for such a UNIQUE PRODUCT!!! I received and all my friends received a positive health result!!! My mother's legs stopped hurting, my blood sugar dropped, and my gastrointestinal tract was restored. My husband got rid of allergies. Children have stopped getting sick at all, they now have a strong immune system. And you know, it's nice that those people who trust us have tried the product, eat it, and then say words of gratitude that their life and health have changed dramatically. This is happiness! The product really works for every person regardless of age, gender, nation. The most important thing restores the work of homeostasis of the human body. Therefore, everyone gets their own health result!!!! And the most important thing is that there are no contraindications, overdoses and adverse reactions, because the composition of the product is organic and identical to the composition of human blood plasma!!! Thank you for improving the health of the whole world!!!!

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