What Is The Commission Payout In Your Company?

For some companies that is a well kept secret, while for public companies it is an obligation to reveal this figure.
We estimated industry wide a payout between 34 – 36%. We have implemented the commission pay-out per company and show it on the company page overview, per year, per month, per week, per hour, per minute and per second.
Per day the industry pays-out approx. $112+ million.
Based upon the 2019 revenue of 650+ companies in our database, we show this figure in the sidebar on the right.
To summarise the pay out margins for a number of companies:
- Juuva pays out 51.2%.
- Elepreneurs pays out 51%.
- LifeVantage pays out 48,4%.
- NHT Global pays out 45,6%.
- Youngevity pays out 44,6%.
- USANA pays out 44,2%
- Mannatech pays out 40%.
- Nu Skin pays out 40%.
- Nature’s Sunshine* pays out 34,4%.
- Herbalife pays out 27,9%.
- Tupperware pays out 15,1%.
If your company pay-out needs to be corrected, please log a ticket at our Support Desk.
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