Hy Cite

Review score
★★★★ (4 out of 5 stars based on 4 reviews)
Country US United States
Est. Revenue 2018$275.00
Est. Revenue 2019$306.00
Est. Revenue 2020$341.00
Est. Revenue 2021$423.00
Est. Revenue 2022$508.00
Est. Revenue 2023$570.00
Est. per year$199.50 million
Est. per month$16.63 million
Est. per week$3.84 million
Est. per day$546,575
Est. per hour$22,774
Est. per minute$379.57
Est. per second$6.33
Est. since viewing this page$6.33
Business Grade

Business For Home recommends the opportunity. There is high certainty that the net benefit is moderate or there is moderate certainty that the net benefit is moderate to substantial for an distributor.

About the company
CEO Erik Johnson
Website www.hycite.com
YouTube N/A
Instagram N/A
Twitter N/A

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Hy Cite Rating by Business For Home

Direct Selling professionals have rated this company based on their experience as a user of the reviewed products and opportunity. The reviews of the products and opportunity usually comments on how well the company measures up to expectations based on the specifications provided by company. Observations are factual as well as subjective in nature. The reviews comment on service experienced, and dependability or trustworthiness of the distributor.

★★★★ (4 out of 5 stars based on 4 reviews)
Guillermo Sanchez 2023-12-21 06:56:21

El plan de compensación y el producto de la marca Royal Prestige son uno de los mejores en el mercado además me a dado la oportunidad de tener excelentes ingresos, diferente estilo de vida, para mis clientes muchas opciones con diferentes artículos para el hogar creando un admosfera, experiencia unica al cocinar, como Distribuidor Autorizado confió que la empresa Hy cite busca innovación en sus productos además de estar a la vanguardia además de contar con la facilidad de emprender en esta oportunidad de Negocio que a cambiado mi vida y la de millones de clientes y asociados!

Oscar Tobar Alarcon 2022-10-31 18:37:39

Excelente oportunidad, no tienes que hacer inversión inicial en efectivo, (si en tiempo de capacitación que es gratuita), las comisiones las pagan puntual, y el beneficio para los clientes es excelente en salud, financiación, entre otros. El sistema de ascensos es sólido, además que el esquema de trabajo permite que el flujo de clientes sea continuo. El porcentaje de la comisión es excelente y no tardas mucho en poder cobrarla, el respaldo en garantía sobre los productos es genial, el éxito de la compañía está en que beneficia a sus asesores y motiva a seguir adelante con la construcción de equipo de trabajo, por lo que es a corto, medio y largo plazo la mejor oportunidad de ingreso con estabilidad.

Courtney A 2021-12-14 22:33:18

They are shady about the payment issues, almost half of our monthly payment is "finance charges" there are separate from the interest charges, they glaze over so much without actually alluding to how awful they are to work with. They are hard to get ahold of and stubborn to correct mistakes, our rep did not even give us contact information. From reading all of the reviews and my own experience it seems that they coach their employees to participate in, lawful I'm sure, but unethical sales practices. I know we are stuck with what we have and they will get away with their lack of honesty and transparency when it comes to our experience but hopeful my warning will deter others from making the same mistake we did.


Faço parte da Royal Prestige do Brasil, empresa sensacional e com produtos únicos, gerando uma experiencia de alimentação saudável para quem procura saúde ou simplesmente deseja se alimentar de forma mais orgânica.
Trabalhar com a Royal Prestige é trabalhar com empresa parceira, que busca auxiliar da melhor maneira possível o seu distribuidor, dando uma tranquilidade para quem esta desenvolvendo o trabalho na rua. Tem um plano de carreira generoso, e temos lideres dos USA e Mexico, passando toda a sua experiencia para nos que estamos ainda em expansão no Brasil. Quem busca trabalhar com produto extraordinário e gosta de formar equipes, com certeza a Royal Prestige é uma empresa Top! #orgulhodeserroyalprestige

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