Business For Home

Cristian Tuns

Recommended Distributor

Since Aug, 2021

Business For Home defines a leader and a professional networker in Direct Sales as follows:

"A leader and professional networker is the one who has the ability to guide and at the same time is able to motivate team members, inspire respect and confidence and explain the power of the compensation plan".

But they should also have:

  • Effective communication: They must transmit the needed information suitably. It’s fundamental for leading.
  • Vision: A leader needs to have a vision, which means not only thinking in a short term, but trying to see a bigger picture.
  • Balance: Give importance to team members’ opinions.
  • Art of Feedback: In order to produce good feedback it’s important to keep it impartial and objective. Criticism must bring solutions and improvement.
★★★★★ (5 out of 5 stars based on 26 reviews)
Munteanu Constantin 2023-01-12 09:27:36

Felicitari Cristian ! Esti un lider adevarat , iar noi suntem mandri ca facem parte din echipa ta !
Mult succes in continuare ! Noi cei din echipa iti urmam exemplul, invatam de la tine tot ce ne transmiti , apoi punem in practica si dam mai departe tuturor partenerilor invatamintele primite pentru ca si ei sa aiba succes ! Pentru ca stim foarte bine ca succesul nostru este succesul echipei , iar daca partenerii nostri vor avea succes cu siguranta si noi vom fi acolo !
Avem nevoie de tine sa ne duci catre cele mai inalte realizari si – ti dorim in primul sanatate , putere de munca si sa fii in continuare un exemplu pentru toti parteneii Duo Life !

Liviu Tiganasu 2021-09-29 11:39:51

Un lider adevarat, care stie sa lucreze cu echipa, dar si cu fiecare membru in parte!
De la inceput am fost impresionat de rabdarea cu care discuta, de capacitatea de a se armoniza cu cei cu care intra in contact.
La primul meu seminar la care am participat am stat la masa impreuna, am comunicat deosebit de bine, si am fost impresionat de modul in care stie sa asculte. Nu am stiut ca este unul dintre liderii companiei, pentru ca modestia si felul lui apropiat de a se comporta nu ma faceau sa cred ca are o pazitie asa de importanta. dar probabil ca toacmai aceste calitati l-au propulsat in varful erarhiei.
Ma bucur ca fac parte din echipa lui si-i multumesc!

Stefan Ropan 2021-09-03 11:18:20

One of the strongest leaders on the Romanian and even international scene. Cristian Tuns is one of the most devoted, determined and visionary people I know. It is an honor for me to work with him, to learn from him and to stand by him. With over 18 years of experience in the network marketing industry what he has achieved so far is phenomenal. For those who want to be properly guidance and reach results in this industry as soon as possible, I recommend Cristian.
With all due respect Cristi I appreciate you enormously. CongratulatIon for everything you have done and for what you do. I want to grow up together

Lia Sabău 2021-09-03 08:25:18

You are an admirable person and a perfect professional, with so many undeniable qualities and so much knowledge in your expertise field! Always open to share and to make others learn how to be happy and successful, with a big heart and high empathy, you fully deserve to gather the fruit of your talent and hard work, so I sincerely congratulate you, dear Cristi! You are an inspirație to me, so I am thankful I've met you and have had the opportunity to learn from you and from your experience! May success, good health, true friends and happiness follow you wherever you go!

Luminita Cosman 2021-09-01 10:00:05

When I first met the leader and the man Cristian Tuns, I realized how special he is, he has a fantastic patience with us and I really appreciated this. I wish him success because he deserves it and I hope to have him with us as long as possible. He is with us every step, no matter how small he is and he rejoices for us and guides us every time. Please be with us as before and guide us in all the steps as possible and teach us how to do it. I wish you success in everything you do and we applaud you.He is an exceptional leader. Congrulations!!

Romina Kiss 2021-08-29 21:45:18

If your goal is to reach the top levels of achievement in Network Marketing and you are committed to living your dream, wich is so compelling to your heart, I recommend Cristian Tuns.
His success is not a function of the size of his title, but the richness of his contribution in millions of peoples lifes.
Obstacles and disappointments will happen, but he will establish a behavioral template that'll shape every other pursuit in your life and always be there to encourage and push you ahead!
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart and God bless you Cristian to do your mission to change for better every people you meet.

Mariana Moise 2021-08-29 21:03:24

Dear Cristian,
First of all, I want to thank you for trusted me from the first moment we have met, so I felt I could be a succesfull person in your team. That means you have the ability to motivate people around you.
I think a great leader is one that has vision and leads people to succes, being himself an exemple of ambition, dedication, and strong motivation and you, Cristian, have all these skills.
You, also, pay attention to the needs of each member of your team and provide support to those who need it, in order to achieve performance.
So, Cristian, you are a great leader and I wish you to achieve all your goals and to be the Best of the Best.

Alexandra Tesileanu 2021-08-29 18:50:30

Dear Cristian, I have learned from you the value of tolerance, patience, and trust in business. You are an excellent mentor and a great inspiration for everyone.
When I thought I couldn't do it, you told me that I could. When I thought it was all over, you showed up and showed me that anything was possible.  You have shown me all the possible paths to success. For that, I can never repay you. You are an inspiration and a role model — I'm so thankful to have had you as a teacher and mentor.
Thank you so much for all that you've done — I only hope I can return the favor sometime in the future.

Soptea Cristian 2021-08-29 17:09:33

To become a leader you need to have lots of qualities. The first quality is self-confidence. Whatever you are going to do as a leader, you need to be confident and believe in yourself. Anything is possible when you believe you can do that. A good leader inspires other people while he does something. Suppose you are starting a new company, you have to motivate and inspire your employees positively to get their best performance. The second thing is honesty that every leader should have. If you are self-confident and honest, then success will come to you automatically. Cheers and good luck Cristian!

Cristina Hutu 2021-08-29 16:53:00

Fifteen years ago, I met an ambitious young man who, with the same patience and dedication as today, guided my steps and changed my life in a completly different direction. A sponsor who, with professionalism and a lot of wisdom, helps thousand of people to give another meaning to their lives, to reach financial independence and to fulfill their dreams. For all these and for many others I am grateful to you and I wish that together we develop this wonderful project and have a contribution to the success of the team. I wish you to receive ten times more than you offered and to enjoy your accomplishments and achievments!

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