Tunde Stift
Business For Home defines a leader and a professional networker in Direct Sales as follows:
"A leader and professional networker is the one who has the ability to guide and at the same time is able to motivate team members, inspire respect and confidence and explain the power of the compensation plan".
But they should also have:
- Effective communication: They must transmit the needed information suitably. It’s fundamental for leading.
- Vision: A leader needs to have a vision, which means not only thinking in a short term, but trying to see a bigger picture.
- Balance: Give importance to team members’ opinions.
- Art of Feedback: In order to produce good feedback it’s important to keep it impartial and objective. Criticism must bring solutions and improvement.
Una leader appassionante, è simpatica e affidabile, sempre disponibile e pronta ad aiutarti. E' eccezionalmente coinvolgente e trasmette entusiasmo per ciò che si fa. La sua capacità di creare una relazione di fiducia ed empatia con noi partecipanti facendoci sentire a proprio agio , la sua capacità di divertire e di generare coinvolgimento durante la formazione e la sua passione e l’entusiasmo diventano il combustibile necessario per un processo formativo efficace. E' anche una brava conduttrice e le sue presentazioni aziendali sono entusiasmanti ed emozionanti, trasmettono il potenziale del business , l'innovazione del progetto e l'affidabilità dell'azienda. Una coach veramente eccezionale!!! Una persona straordinaria!
Eccellente conduttrice, nonché straordinaria formatrice in varia lingue. Un supporto fondamentale per tutti noi è per l’azienda in generale!!! Seguire le sue presentazioni ogni volta è un’accrescimento personale importantissimo, semplici ma allo stesso tempo di un efficacia incredibile. Sicuramente tutti noi è l’azienda stessa le dobbiamo un grande ringraziamento per tutto il lavoro che svolge soprattutto dietro le quinte. Preziosissima in ogni dove. Consiglio caldamente a tutti coloro che entreranno ora è in futuro in questa splendida comunità di viaggiatori di non perdersi mai e dico mai una presentazione di Tunde, perché vi servirà tantissimo nel vostro cammino, soprattutto di sviluppo del mindset, cosa fondamentale in attività come questa.
I have to spend just good words about one of my the best partners I’ve met in the business. As a professional mental coach everyday you show us your ability to motivate all the people working with us, until the last one who is not so sure to go ahead with us for a bunch of issues he thinks like tragedy, and you solve and go beyond all the problems, solving everything with your never-ending smile.
She’s a girl full of energy taking care of everyone in the business. In just one year working together we built and gave opportunity to a lot of people without any other chances in their lives. I’m learning a lot from you and I want to keep on going increasing my business skills. You have a lot of potential Tunde!!
Very glad to work with you my little blondy angel.?
I have to spend just good words about one of my the best partners I’ve met in the business. As a professional mental coach everyday you show us your ability to motivate all the people working with us, until the last one who is not so sure to go ahead with us for a bunch of issues he thinks like tragedy, and you solve and go beyond all the problems, solving everything with your never-ending smile.
She’s a girl full of energy taking care of everyone in the business. In just one year working together we built and gave opportunity to a lot of people without any other chances in their lives. I’m learning a lot from you and I want to keep on going increasing my business skills. You have a lot of potential Tunde!!
Very glad to work with you my little blondy angel.?
Super business super société ! Je recommande vivement.
L'application est excellente.★★★
I have to spend just good words about one of my the best partners I’ve met in the business. As a professional mental coach everyday you show us your ability to motivate all the people working with us, until the last one who is not so sure to go ahead with us for a bunch of issues he thinks like tragedy, and you solve and go beyond all the problems, solving everything with your never-ending smile.
She’s a girl full of energy taking care of everyone in the business. In just one year working together we built and gave opportunity to a lot of people without any other chances in their lives. I’m learning a lot from you and I want to keep on going increasing my business skills. You have a lot of potential Tunde!!
Very glad to work with you my little blondy angel.?
Tünde egy igazi vezető, évekre előre tervez és cselekszik. Felismerte, hogy az online marketing alkalmazása a hálózatépítésben is megkerülhetetlenné vált.
Számomra is nagy kihívás volt, hogy az MWR Life koncepciójára optimalizáljam az online marketing rendszeremet, ami 90+ funkcióval rendelkezik.
Tünde segítségével az online rendszert több nyelven elérhető lesz. Olasz és angol nyelvekkel kezdünk. Ezzel új dimenzióba tudod emelni hálózatépítési tevékenységedet.
Itt tudjátok Tünde online rendszerét megtekinteni:
Tünde is a real leader, planning and acting years in advance. He recognized that the use of online marketing in networking has also become unavoidable.
It was also a big challenge for me to optimize my online marketing system for the MWR Life concept, which has 90+ features.
With the help of Elves, the online system will be available in several languages. We start with Italian and English. This will take your networking activity to a new dimension.
You can view Tünde's online system here:
Tünde Sift is one of those people in my life who I look up to. It would mean a huge loss to our company not to have her with us. She is the type of leader everyone should follow. Plenty of us could be grateful for her that our view of the world and mindset has completely changed. She is a fragile woman, but also has tremendous amount of energy. A true wonderer with definite goals and a caring leader to our team. She is the one who provides us with faith, strength and endurance ehen things are not going so well. She is always confident in what she does and knows what she is doing is going to lead everybody to better future. I am very thankful for our friendship and that you are a part of our lives!
Kedves Tünde! Örülök, hogy megismertelek és veled dolgozhatunk. Gratulálok a fantasztikus teljesítményedhez! Megérdemled a sikert és elismerést! Megdolgoztál érte! Még óriási út áll előttünk! Go, go, go!
Dear Tünde! Nice to meet you and work with you. Congratulations on your fantastic performance! You deserve success and recognition! You worked for it! There is still a huge way ahead! Go, go, go!
Caro Tünde! Piacere di conoscerti e lavorare con te. Congratulazioni per la tua fantastica performance! Ti meriti successo e riconoscimento! Hai lavorato per questo! C'è ancora molto da fare! Via! Via! Via!
I have to spend just good words about one of my the best partners I’ve met in the business. As a professional mental coach everyday you show us your ability to motivate all the people working with us, until the last one who is not so sure to go ahead with us for a bunch of issues he thinks like tragedy, and you solve and go beyond all the problems, solving everything with your never-ending smile.
She’s a girl full of energy taking care of everyone in the business. In just one year working together we built and gave opportunity to a lot of people without any other chances in their lives. I’m learning a lot from you and I want to keep on going increasing my business skills. You have a lot of potential Tunde!!
Very glad to work with you my little blondy angel.?
It is a great honor to work with you and start Slovakia together. Thank you so much for everything on behalf of my team and I wish you all the best. The whole Hungarian and Slovak team is with you!
Nagy megtiszteltetés, hogy veled dolgozhatunk és együtt indíthatjuk meg Szlovákiát. Köszönök szépen mindent a csapatom nevében is és a legjobbakat kívánom. Az egész magyar és szlovák csapat együtt épül! Köszönjük neked Tündi!
Je mi cťou pracovať s tebou a spoločne rozbiehať Slovensko. Ďakujem pekne za všetko aj v mene môjho tímu a prajem všetko dobré. Celý maďarský a slovenský tím buduje spoločne! Ďakujeme ti Tündi!