Review by Abby Lovell on Valentus
I really do not have much to compare Valentus too, I was in another company for approximately 13 months maybe 14. Never into supplements, I was young and thought I was invincible… My body took a dive 6 years ago. Pumped full of big Pharma drugs… I got sick of begging Dr’s to HELP me. Valentus found me by accident. I was not a coffee drinker, nor was I overweight. But because I believe there are no accidents I decided to take a look. My life has never been the same. First off, my health is 100% better… NO MORE BIG PHARMA for me. Second, I have made so many new friends and have been able to help so many people regain their lives back. Valentus is like one big Happy Family. The CEO’s Dave and Joyce Jordon are here for us, for you, for anyone that needs them. They are ALWAYS bringing new products to market that are of the highest standards and quality…and they WORK. Lastly, again I do not have a whole lot of experience to compare with different compensation plans, I just know that since joining Valentus my monthly salary has tripled.