Review by Bettyeze on PhytoScience

A testimony. My cousin in charge of Grandpa's Coaching School is good at this: anytime he sees a student with eye problem, he calls on me. This girl had to stand a hand's length to read on our notice board. Never seen anyone so shortsighted before. I gave her a pack of Double Stemcell on Tuesday, 2nd November. Today, Saturday, after 4 sachets, she asked my cousin, the teacher, a question in class! He was shocked! She's able to see what's on the board! The problem started when she was in Basic V! She was 10, now 21 years old. She would scratch the eyes until they got teary. All that stopped. She writes her own notes now – used to borrow notes. My cousin knows how it feels. He was longsighted and was booked for glasses. I advised him to take Double Stemcell. He never needed the glasses. He's on this platform.

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