Review by Charlotte Walker on Financial Education Services
It was the BEST decision My Husband and I made in both OUR LIVES! NOT only do we, Help Educate people about things that should have been explained to them in High School or even Elementary School because everyone doesn’t attend College and everyone needs to be Educated in the GAME of CREDIT and how it effect and affects our LIVES every day.
But, we also (FES) created a Non-PROFIT.
We don’t just talk the talk we WALK THE WALK as well.
YOUTH FINANCIAL LITERACY FOUNDATION (YFL) where we go into the schools and teach the children, young. So they don’t have to go through what we went THROUGH in these Life’s Journey and Decisions.
We are just simply BLESSED and Proud to Be in a COMPANY that creates such OPPORTUNITY, IF YOU WANT IT!
FES came in my life when I didn’t know what I was going to do in my life because Life Happened to me and my Husband. FES gave Us PURPOSEFUL LIFE again helping not only US but everyone We know and meet SPIRITUAL, MENTALLY, HEALTH AND WELLNESS OF our BODY, FINANCES FUTURE AND IN DEATH! It gives US PEACE!