Review by Daniel Stoubaek Noergaard on Max Nilsénius

Max is an incredible individual.

I have only known and worked with Max personally for 1,5 years approximately, I have KNOWN about Max for way longer, and that is what speaks louder than anything else in this world.
What you do and how people perceive and think about you is not what’s important to me, it’s the stories they tell about you that really shows if you have done an amazing job or not, and THAT, this man has done, for sure,
Fun fact: It’s far from over, he’s so young and smart and I know for sure this is just the beginning.

I am impressed by this mans work ethic, I truly respect him for what he’s done, & the fact that he’s helped thousands n’ thousands of people on his way.
I know this is not only business for Max this is LIFE as it should be, he really really loves what he’s doing it shines from him, the good thing is it drips on all his fellow networkers, and people he comes in touch with along his journey, a true Leader that walks the walk every day of the week.

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