Review by Gertrude Moloabi-Jacobs on MASIYA BALOYI
*****. (5 star) Mr Masiya Baloyi has shown incredible skills of leadership in Aplgo business. He is an inspiration to many. He is a man of action, an exceptional leader with a vision of note
His experience and expertise in the MLM business has brought a volume of knowledge into the Aplgo business in our country. He is a humble and disciplined man. He does not bear around (but modestly so)
He has encouraged us with all the energy of a great leader. He knows what he wants and has taught us to be focused in the Aplgo business which has a lot of potential, to bring us where we want to be. He is a remarkable leader and motivator.
Mr Masiya has taught us a lot, not only with the business but with life in general. He also taught us that being in business can become a very lonely road to travel but persevering and staying focused will one day bring you your desired results. If it happens that you blunder it's never too late to make a fresh start. To also stay positive and never be distracted by anything in the path of your dreams.