Review by James Hannan on Mannatech
Mannatech changed my life. I have been full time with Mannatech since 2001. It replaced my executive salary and enabled me to take my children all over the world. I remember my first international holiday was a Cruise to Alaska. WOW. Where do you get to do that, what job would give that to you?
I am so proud of my team but also I am honored to be partnered with Mannatech as we change the world.
It brings the greatest peace knowing that our products actually work and are science based and our compensation plan pays at all levels. There are so many choices to be made today. I am glad that I got to make this one. Joining Mannatech is something I have never regreted. I have the best team but I have also made the best friends.
Now I have seen people within my team become top associates, top enrollers, top income growth and travel the world. I have seen their lives change as much as if not more than mine.
Thank you Mannatech for being the company you are and having the team you have. The future is amazing here and I love being part of it.
What a blessing.
James Hannan