Review by Jennifer Meachem on
I first met Rea’l and Michelle Andrews, 8 years ago
at Eric worre, gopro convention in Vegas I heard Mr Worre mention Rea’l name from Soap opera GH 20,000 people was there I went looking for him
Lol I don’t know why where ever I go I end up meeting a celebrity. I couldn’t find him lunch time came didn’t see him
time to get back to out seats I forgot my water bottle so i went back to get it where i was having lunch so i said god if it for me to meet him it up to you omg
My water bottle was still there the room was empty i turned around to head back i looked up boom there he was with his wife Michelle i was nervous speechless we took pictures!! It was meant to happen Im so greatful that the Andrews are in my life!!! When Im feeling down Either Michelle are Rea’l are both do a lives that cracks me up are something motivating they just make my day!! ❤️❤️❤️