Review by Jennifer Rumore on
Rebecca consistently inspires, shares information, and shows the way in network marketing professionalism — while infectiously having fun! She both actively recruits and supports the general wider team as well. Her example as a global leader and member in our company stands out, as she opens new parts of the world to extraordinary opportunity. It is a pleasure to see her posts, attitude, skill, and charisma inspiring me and others. Tenacity, persistence, unshakable faith in our products and more permeate her communication. Her commitment to creating results, sharing authentically and making it okay to be perfectly imperfect as she plays to her strengths and gives her all each day is a worthy example. I have seen her grow from strength to strength, and seen many beautiful team members grow, expand and develop right along with her. I value her relatability. Being a mother, actively engaging in self care, taking ongoing coaching and training herself, and keeping it real as she skyrockets her results shows a commitment and perseverance I find rare and highly valuable. This woman sees an opportunity and sprints with it, in style!