Review by Juma Noor Noori on 5Linx

Pen, public, hit, strike, term, unite, associate, factory, involve, populate, produce, recognise, sign, tradition, wide, advice, attraction, drop, final, further, neither, nor, otherwise, pretty, stands, subject, actually, coast, desert, earth, exonine, false, gift, huge, big, huge, large, tiny, empty, utterly, very, often, around, turning, void, like, much, just, now, close, with, simple, quiet, forever, down, deep, gently, John, weird, after,
Bridge, both, nick, well, exactly, set, gymnast, hung, ion, missing, opcode, won, caught, decided, finally, people, seen, rolled, wet, home, rented, sarong, Xmas, expensive, yard, camping, economy, business, vehicle, car, road, Bhutan, parking, golf, Korean, room, ways, city, wrong, hope

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