Review by Lenny Ryady on

Greetings from Jakarta, Redglobal Victory team.
Congratulations to Ms Eva Carolina for her achievement.

Ms Eva is a remarkable lady in her field. She is eager to guide anyone who seeks her assistance and is ready to step out of their comfort zone to learn and make positive changes in their lives. She is everyone’s ideal mentor in our team, we all look up to her. It is such an exceptional opportunity to know Quiari and be guided by one of the great mentors in our team.

Being on Ms Eva’s is truly an eye-opener journey for me. From being a pessimistic person, I have learnt to get out of my comfort zone to achieve something else. It’s true that great things never comes from comfort zone.

I’d like to extend my gratitude for Ms Eva Carolina for always being humble and helpful to those around you! We are truly lucky to be empowered by your drive and persistence!

"A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself." – Oprah Winfrey


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