Review by Madeline Hombert on Origami Owl

As a woman with a background in sales and experience with five other companies — always winning trips and jewellery and promotions— I can say without reservation that joining Origami Owl three years ago has given me more income, more pride in products, more confidence in leadership .and more income with less work..than I have ever experienced before. I am honored to represent a value-based company where men and women of every faith, ethnicity and colour are welcomed equally. Our conventions are joyful. LBGTQ designers dance and sing alongside military members, grandmas, teens and the support for each other is genuine. This company is one of the only ones I know of that offer a true opportunity for girls as young as 11 to learn about business, ethics, money management, online and social marketing and there are many who have paid for their college selling our personal jewellery. Customer service rates very high and the quality of the products is much higher than the modest prices would suggest. I am 72 years old and am very proud to say that my income is created as a result of a dream of a fourteen year old girl and the limitless support of her parents, namely her mother Chrissy Weems.

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